Super Freak
I should have known that my imagination would hit the nail on the head.
You know the octopussies are best live, right?
You know the octopussies are best live, right?
octopussies are challenging. i mean, 1 pussie is hard enough.
The only hard one is OctoMom's.
I hate Boy Scouts selling cookies at Walmart, leave me alone
The prime real estate was across the street from the pot dispensaries but the Girl Scouts got there first.
I hate panic attacks.
Here hereIsis. They need to be wiped off the face of the Earth.
I hate panic attacks.
That's why I'm on Lexapro I got anxiety like you would not believe.that stuff works wonders but the withdrawals are excruciating
I miss 2 days of my allergy tablets, 2 days tops, and today I'm itchy as ****.
Isis. They need to be wiped off the face of the Earth.
I joined the tablet club when my hip turned arthritic. Glad I don't get anxiety attacks though, they sound awful.
Lejuan said:Isis are simply filling a vacuum. What I'd like to see in my country is many in the Islamic community disowning their extremist brethren by absolutely condemning the actions of these groups and associated others. While many moderate Muslims in Australia just want to get on with their lives, they're not helped by statements issued by various Imams and Islamic councils. Recently we had the Islamic Council of Victoria refusing to condemn the stabbing of two police officers by a known terrorist suspect. When terrorism can't be universally condemned by Muslims in a first-world democracy then heaven help us.
If feeling like you're about to have a heart attack or throw a clot up a cranial artery sounds awful, then you're right on the money. I pretty much only get them if I smoke pot, though. Sadly. I won't touch meds though; not so long as I can control it.
There was a 'big' protest somewhere in the Midwest recently. Michigan, I believe. Muslims against ISIS. Like, 30 people showed up.
What I'd like to hear even more than that moderate Muslims oppose their methods is that they oppose their goals as well. What I consider to be true moderation in a religion is the abandonment of any hopes of enshrining their beliefs in law. It's a big plus if they don't believe in using violence to achieve that end, but the end is still utterly reprehensible.
What's more, given their reluctance to denounce the radicals, I don't predict much opposition to any gains they might make in attaining that shared objective.