Today I hate touch-screen phones. Asked by an old lady to put in her phone credit. She understandably assumed that the young man before her would know how to do it, but in actuality I'm completely inept with these things. Man it was a ****ing chore. How to open the damned keypad for a start, eventually found it, only to have to deal with the most unresponsive screen I've ever encountered. Practically having to hammer the buttons with my finger to get them to respond at all only to hit the wrong one - and that one worked! I then look for an error-correct or backspace button to no avail and have no recourse but to exit the keypad completely. I try to go back in only for the same button to now take me somewhere else entirely. A few backtracks later I eventually get back into the keypad only for all the same $h!t to go down. Back out, an attempt to get back in leads to the mystery destination once again, back out, try again and, success, the keypad has returned. By some miracle I manage to finally enter the correct number to reach the top-up service and just before I find the 'call' button, after all that ****ing hassle, the phone starts ringing with an incoming call undoing all of my efforts.
In the end I never got the credit into her phone. Was then dealing with other people by the time she finished her call.
As long as I have a choice I will never buy a touchscreen phone. ****ing nuisance.