I'm so back and forth on global warming. Sometimes it seems legit, other not.
As far as mother earth goes it's the least of our problems. Look at our oceans.
The climate has always changed and there's no conclusive evidence any of it is man made. Until then, we shouldn't be putting a dime into it.
But then you got **** bags like this cuck spreading that nonsense.
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I lump the Climate Change ******* in with the flat earfers.
You're never going to get me to side with Climate Change when the biggest proponents of it abuse the environment by their standards more than the majority of the population with giant homes and private jets.
I'm fairly convinced human actions have accelerated the natural pace of climate change after some conversations with a University of London graduate I know, but the doomsayers don't help their case by constantly exaggerating the imminent risks. Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth documentary predicted sea levels would rise 20 feet in a decade back in 2006 - last time I checked NYC hasn't been renamed New Venice yet...
They also tend to omit actual inconvenient truths like China and India being responsible for 95%+ of the plastic and chemical pollution currently destroying the ocean - trying to "live green" in the US and Europe is about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. I'm with Zach on this, not enough people are talking about the problems currently facing marine life - we're starting to see both saltwater and freshwater fish mutate due to the levels of xenoestrogens present in the water supply thanks to plastic and chemical dumping, and contraceptives, for one thing.
I'm fairly convinced human actions have accelerated the natural pace of climate change after some conversations with a University of London graduate I know, but the doomsayers don't help their case by constantly exaggerating the imminent risks. Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth documentary predicted sea levels would rise 20 feet in a decade back in 2006 - last time I checked NYC hasn't been renamed New Venice yet...
They also tend to omit actual inconvenient truths like China and India being responsible for 95%+ of the plastic and chemical pollution currently destroying the ocean - trying to "live green" in the US and Europe is about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. I'm with Zach on this, not enough people are talking about the problems currently facing marine life - we're starting to see both saltwater and freshwater fish mutate due to the levels of xenoestrogens present in the water supply thanks to plastic and chemical dumping, and contraceptives, for one thing.
I'm fairly convinced human actions have accelerated the natural pace of climate change after some conversations with a University of London graduate I know, but the doomsayers don't help their case by constantly exaggerating the imminent risks. Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth documentary predicted sea levels would rise 20 feet in a decade back in 2006 - last time I checked NYC hasn't been renamed New Venice yet...
They also tend to omit actual inconvenient truths like China and India being responsible for 95%+ of the plastic and chemical pollution currently destroying the ocean - trying to "live green" in the US and Europe is about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. I'm with Zach on this, not enough people are talking about the problems currently facing marine life - we're starting to see both saltwater and freshwater fish mutate due to the levels of xenoestrogens present in the water supply thanks to plastic and chemical dumping, and contraceptives, for one thing.
China is going green. They stuffed up so much of their environment in such a short time it freaked them out. Go visit China today and you'd think you were in California with all their environmental initiatives. With all those initiatives come market opportunities.
Soldier used a spade to decapitate ISIS jihadist during Afghanistan gun battle
I like feel good stories.
Sex dreams. No guilt. No cleanup.
There should be some cleanup, unless you didn't complete the act.
That stops when you get to a certain age, in most cases.
Not if you do it right.
Though you're probably right. I can't even remember the last time I had to deal with that.
Carry on.