First to bloom got no smell to em, strange. Must be the short flower.
View attachment 192692
Second color to bloom smell so good. Long yellow got the strong smell.
View attachment 192693

Here mine here.
First to bloom got no smell to em, strange. Must be the short flower.
View attachment 192692
Second color to bloom smell so good. Long yellow got the strong smell.
View attachment 192693
Stargazer lilies are my favorite.
The only flowers that I have right now are day lilies. I love flowers, but I just don't like putting much effort into them. Maybe after I retire.......when I'm 100.![]()
if these were the American news... the channel would have been boycotted by the feminists already( asking for her to be fired and replaced )
not a couple of people, they got 450 complains and they had to issue and apology and the singer had to apologize as well I believe. it was loud enough for a public apology
men don't look like that on the news (because most of presenters are women), but they do on the Novelas
View attachment 193562
7th year anniversary on the board!![]()