I used to think that about Ludgren too, but the way they "referenced" it on Expendables (twas 2 I think) rubbed me off the wrong way. Still, Black Science Man vs Hack Nye... BSM takes the win here. His Twitter is horrendous and he seems like an immature little ass, but at least he's a certified scientist. I've not taken a look at his papers, but from what I've heard, the community doesn't really put much stock in them. Besides the Dwarf Planet thing, I don't remember him doing anything else. He's just lucky he was Sagan's Wonder-Boy.
Still, all that put him miles ahead of Nye, who's just an entertainer, at best. He doesn't even have a PhD for Christ's sake, what kind of scientist is he? And I'm not even one of those "STEM is only S" guys, it's just that he's not a proper man of the craft, period. He better hope he's still able to ride the PC Wave, otherwise he's toast.
As for whose fans are worse... Both are the same neckbeards who have a YTsub of Tyson's Radio-Channel, frequent "I ****ING LOVE SCIENCE" on Facebook, and Upvote for that Reddit Gold all day.