Colbert is a Pizza eater. Anyone who associates with Podesta the Molesta is a creep.
The lizard is in trouble
This pattern repeats everywhere, funny how the SJWs many times do what they accused others of doing. That's the third law, SJWs always project.
I'd really like that ****** platform to fold, but they're too big for that now. But maybe, they're going to have to conform and not **** with people's information now.
My wife got a notice on her page today that her data was breached in 2015 from some dumb app she used.
Let's see... 5 million times $40,000 is $200 billion in potential FTC fines. Another $200 billion on top of the $2 trillion they might already owe.
Nothing lasts forever. He can't Zucc the world, his little empire will fall eventually.
tom was the hero all along.
on myspace Tom was Everybody's friend. on Facebook no one is Zuckerberg's friend
Imgur? the pics i posted here are from imgur making fun of him non stop, where did you see ass kissing?