Things that I marvel at

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Yeah, but it’s bull****. Sure, social media elevated political discourse. ****, it’s all anyone talks about these days, but here’s the thing: we’re the reason they make so much money. Not because we care who they are, but because we buy into the illusion of who they are, and, in the end, any disdain we might hold for the actors and athletes making millions of dollars need only be directed inward, because it’s our own fragility, and our prioritization of entertainment and escapism over all else that feeds this celebrity obsessed culture that we are all too quick to indemnify when it doesn’t go our own way.

Simply put: superheroes don’t do **** to save us. Movies, books, art; maybe it makes us human, but, in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing more than wasted hours in an incredibly short life. I’m not looking down on anyone; quite the contrary, as I love this **** more than is probably healthy, but my point is that we seem to hold them to a different set of standards than everyone else because of their position while failing to recognize that they’re only in that position because we are all too happy to be entertained.

Everyone is held to that standard now. Every other day there's a headline of some business losing business or going under for making a political statement in either side.

Want to make $10,000,000 per year playing make believe? The trade off is you need to be vanilla to strangers.

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I really find fault with this logic. When does a person’s occupation dictate whether or not they’re allowed to have a political opinion? Do we say that Wall Street Executives should stay out of politics because they make X amount of money? If we did, I’m betting it would probably solve a great deal of the problems people currently have with our government.:lol

How it reads to me, though, and I’m not saying this is representative of what you’re saying, but of the typical “Stay out of politics, you Hollywood libtard” people is “it’s okay to have a political opinion, so long as it aligns with mine.” The Facebook comments any time an actor or celebrity said something anti-Trump would constantly read “why don’t you stick to what you know and stay out of politics,” yet these same people would be riding Kid Rock’s **** like some tourbus groupies.:lol

The truth is that saying an actor shouldn’t be allowed to voice a political opinion, as it’s out of their area of expertise is crazy to me, because we could easily exclude every other occupation other than “politicians” under that purview. Honestly, though, I wish they would stay out of politics; all of the celebrities. Anyone who’s ever appeared in a movie or on a reality show, for that matter. Yeah, I think that would, truly, make America great again.

You're misrepresenting what I said. My issue has nothing to do with political affiliation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, my issue is being constantly talked down like we're too stupid to think for ourselves. Them wanting things changed that affect normal people and they don't deal with the fallout. You want to hate the opposition party, fine. But keep your mouth shut when it comes to our rights and our wallets.
You're misrepresenting what I said. My issue has nothing to do with political affiliation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, my issue is being constantly talked down like we're too stupid to think for ourselves. Them wanting things changed that affect normal people and they don't deal with the fallout. You want to hate the opposition party, fine. But keep your mouth shut when it comes to our rights and our wallets.

I can understand that, I guess, but, in a sense, wouldn’t them voicing their opinions on it in any way be considered being talked down to, since, as you said, most of the problems facing most Americans, at least, economically speaking, doesn’t affect them?
I can understand that, I guess, but, in a sense, wouldn’t them voicing their opinions on it in any way be considered being talked down to, since, as you said, most of the problems facing most Americans, at least, economically speaking, doesn’t affect them?

The lines certainly blur in regards to that. I guess the best example I could give is when they're so anti gun, yet all have armed security and make money off gun filled films. Most vocal celebs want us all living under a socialist regime but want to keep their capitalist lifestyle.

Do as I say, not as I do.

When people take pics of them holding something they always include their gnarly gross looking thumbnail. Especially customerizers hold head sculpts and such. Yuk mak, photoshop that out or set the item on something.....

When people take pics of them holding something they always include their gnarly gross looking thumbnail. Especially customerizers hold head sculpts and such. Yuk mak, photoshop that out or set the item on something.....

I like when you can see someone's shoes or gigantic belly when they take an overhead pic of something on a table

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