This is everything wrong with this hobby in one photo.

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Well Neither David or the Engineers are humans, so I guess from the human characters Shaw was the least horrible, I mean from all the characters in the movie she was one of the least awful.

Nothing to do with characters. It's all about the image.

Look who is front and center. David.


Look who gets his own cover.

Nothing to do with characters. It's all about the image.

Look who is front and center. David.


well they still had Shaw in the cover, Like I said from the human characters she was one of the least worst. I liked her.

David was amazing of course.
I have seen this.
On another board people were talking about giving their seats to women if the bus was full, and most women ( I think 90%) in the conversations said that they felt awkward and bad about this, some even felt offended.
They did not like getting men's seats, some said they preferred standing.

Most guys said that they do give their seats to girls on the bus but

one guy said that he never gives his seat, on a bus one time this other old guy said "what's wrong with you why won't you stand up?" his answer was "Sorry I didn't know being a woman was a disability" lol,

I would never feel offended, but I would never expect someone to give up their seat for me and I would tell them that it was okay, thank them, and I would stand. I would however give up my seat to anyone who I feel needed it. Either elderly or disabled, no matter male or female. I would never argue with a man about giving me his seat either. If he insisted I take his seat, then I would and thank him for it.
I would never feel offended, but I would never expect someone to give up their seat for me and I would tell them that it was okay, thank them, and I would stand. I would however give up my seat to anyone who I feel needed it. Either elderly or disabled, no matter male or female. I would never argue with a man about giving me his seat either. If he insisted I take his seat, then I would and thank him for it.

I usually don't give my seat because if I was tired, cold and wet from rain lets say, no one would ever give me their seat. If I see someone having trouble I will. when it comes to girls some guy will always give her his seat, so I don't even think about it.

Many times after work I Was exhausted and I had to stand up for the hour ride. I would give my seat to anyone that is older, man or woman, I hate that sometimes people stand up for older women but you could see an old guy that is having trouble standing and no one will stand up for the chair. That makes me so mad.
I enjoyed the movie - but as a me personally, she wasn't as interesting as say Ripley. Maybe that is because this didn't have a lot of action in it
Strange.. Alien had no action in it and we don't learn anything about Ripley until the sequels
she just spends her time running away (self preservation)
Ignore button is there for folks who can't co-exist. . .

. . .we don't learn anything about Ripley until the sequels
she just spends her time running away (self preservation)
Agreed. Despite all that, the Prometheus character was much less believable than Ripley. And not as good an actress.
Agreed. Despite all that, the Prometheus character was much less believable than Ripley. And not as good an actress.

disagree.. it was much more believable/relatable to me. Yes the Alien characters are like everyday truckers, but I don't relate to truckers

and Noomi is a better actress. Take a look at the kinds of roles she does.
Segorney is the same in every film (although I love Segorney too) like Samuel Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc (more typecast)
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Well admittedly I wasn't analyzing these films as pro- or anti-feminist statements, so I'm not thinking of this from that angle, but Ripley felt like a real human being, while Noomi felt forced and contrived. This really isn't a specific comment about those characters though, but about those entire films. Tom Skerritt, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, etc. did a great job at conveying realism. Whenever the folks in Prometheus were trying to act like they were having a casual conversation with each other it seemed much less genuine.

Sigourney was in two of my all-time favorite movies (Alien and Ghostbusters), and she may not demonstrate a lot of range on the screen, but she does precisely what her character is expected to do in a believable, entertaining way. And as I've gotten older, I've come to realize that that's the real measure of artistic performance that I care about.
I'll admit that I preferred the improv dialogue of Alien. I believe Ridley said he didn't have much of a script at all for talking sequences
A mod told us to ignore each other. If you keep following me then you leave me with no choice.

This thread isn't about me and you. If you want to derail it, be my guest. I choose to move on. :wave

Explain to me again how was I following you? Because I laughed at Devil's joke? Paranoid much?
Yeah, for all I know maybe Scott was making a statement by choosing not to allow for improvisation and more realistic interactions in Prometheus. I'll be honest in saying that Prometheus didn't connect with me for whatever reason. I enjoyed it, but I don't feel any need to see it again after first viewing. Also, I've never seen anything else that Noomi was in that I know of, so I shouldn't rush to judgment on her acting skillz.
Since this is turning into an Alien (probe?) discussion, the answer is fairly simple. Take something insanely horrifying that no one had seen before in cinema and put it next to a vulnerable woman who had the ability to focus on the task at hand. Ripley allowed the audience to get close to the monster and if Weaver hadn't been as good at conveying fear and determination, I don't think we'd have as many sequels.

There really isn't anything that scary in Prometheus for Shaw to react to. CGI kind of kills the immersion, the character designs are naturally derivative. The movie should have had way more of the Engineer. I think it would have been awesome to see him flip the script on the "scientists" by bringing them in to study. As it was he was upstaged by a squid, a fleshlight cobra, and a bunch of goop.
Ah, I didn't know that was her. I really enjoyed the U.S. version.

She was the Swedish version :p haha
CGI kind of kills the immersion.
Prometheus did mostly practical effects and prosthetics
you should look at the behind the scenes stuff

Also, have you seen the 6 minute deleted sequence when she fight(tries to fight) the Enginner with the axe?
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