this may be blasphemous...but i gotta say it...about clones in OT

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I'm totally in favor of leaving the OT alone. .....but......the one thing I would like to see is the Stormtroopers in ROTJ , have a least a bit of camoflauge on them. Likelike the clones on Kaaashyk. It only makes sense, they were in a forest, even the rebels were wearing camo!
OOOOW I love this thread... I think folks are gonna find new ways of getting around the bad language filter.....

I tell you now folks if they remake the OT..... I gonna set ma mumma on da lot of you and open up the biggest can of whoop ass I can find!!!

I agree... The SE and PT were a good start, but Lucas really needs to finish by destroying and gutting the OT. :rolleyes:
Probably because he's taking notes.

His edits are the only versions I watch now.

LOL I agree if the edited version you guys are on about is the one I have a copy of then it is brilliant, I like it because its pretty seamless.

But to re-make the entire thing!!!!

Well I have been thinking about this since my last entry and you know what... why not make it again.

For me (An Old Git) star wars will always be the OT but I love the new ones, but in a different way.
Just think of all the young minds that could be inspired and fired up like we were when we were kids........

So yeah what the hell re-make em. Great idea.
Just leave the OT alone!!!..."why not repaint Da Vinci's Mona Lisa Again with the new Photoshop and Illustrator tools!, much better let's make it in 3D" way men!!! the original trilogy is just great as it is!!...As some of you has just said Lucas has already messed enough with it in the Special Edition...

The Prequels are the ones should be done with the original technology of the OT and that includes with a new director instead of GL...he just destroyed the whole thing with his "kids stuff" universe not being loyal to the original story and most of all the loyal Star Wars fans...

For me Star Wars is just Episodes 4, 5 and 6...those three terrible prequels are just a real shame including acting, story and dialogues!!...
Just leave the OT alone!!!..."why not repaint Da Vinci's Mona Lisa Again with the new Photoshop and Illustrator tools!, much better let's make it in 3D" way men!!! the original trilogy is just great as it is!!...As some of you has just said Lucas has already messed enough with it in the Special Edition...

The Prequels are the ones should be done with the original technology of the OT and that includes with a new director instead of GL...he just destroyed the whole thing with his "kids stuff" universe not being loyal to the original story and most of all the loyal Star Wars fans...

For me Star Wars is just Episodes 4, 5 and 6...those three terrible prequels are just a real shame including acting, story and dialogues!!...

LOL brilliant point maybe you are right.... what's wrong with the original technology! So why re-make it?

Where as the prequels... well whats wrong with the prequels??? we all love em.... don't we??? LOL
Has anybody bothered to mention that there wouldn't even be any clones after EpIII. Palpatine restructured the Republic into the first Galactic Empire. He was given full control.

It's likely that the clone factories were shut down and the generation of clones died off since there was no galactic wide war to wage anymore. They were engineered to grow quickly, so they probably died off within the time it took for Luke to grow up. Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers, biker Scouts are not clones. Lucas didn't change all their voices in the Special Editions DVD releases like he did Boba's, and they aren't all the same height.

That said, I don't really have a problem with the colored armor, but the OT Empire was patterned after the WWII German Empire. Everything was neat and clean and orderly and uniform. It wouldn't look right for the most powerful entity in the galaxy to be running around in scratched up armor and ships. That's why they didn't. Color represents individuality and diversity. The Empire was about one person being in control of everything without question. Every soldier looking exaclty the same (within there designated roles) shows absolute order.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the 3-D Editions of the OT end up giving colors to the Stormtrooper armor and making it look stupid. Lucas has a way of forgetting what made the OT everlastingly awesome.
I'm totally in favor of leaving the OT alone. .....but......the one thing I would like to see is the Stormtroopers in ROTJ , have a least a bit of camoflauge on them. Likelike the clones on Kaaashyk. It only makes sense, they were in a forest, even the rebels were wearing camo!

LOL... I still say that to this day. Why do none of the Biker Scouts or Stormtroopers on that planet have any camo??? They stick out like a sore thumb. At least some form of Green would've helped a little.

~~I could understand a few Clone Trooper regiments still existing in ANH. Perhaps on some of the remote planets/ armories they haven't completely phased in the new armor.
I have read a lot of dumb ideas in the past 3 years on this board but this has to be one of the dumbest (and I don't mind the SE at all).
as for the OP.. I loved the design of the ROTS armor but hated the AOTC clones.

I don't have any problem with the OT troopers being clones I mean.. as it's the empire now, it's not like the Kaminoans are gonna make him PAY for the clones.. he'd just slag the planet (well, what he could).
Now, I don't think that they are all necessarily clones of Fett. But Hasbro seems to support at least SOME of them being Fett clones in the OT. They have a TIE pilot with removeable helmet and it has a clone sculpt underneath.
Another reason to think they aren't ALL Fett clones is the variations in height. Look at a group of stormies.. their heights vary wildly. Some average, some tall, and some VERY short :p

Edit: oh yeah and no need to re-make the OT unless it's one of simply those edits where it incorporates the best of the PT (as flashbacks) and keeps the OT more or less intact.
Its on somewhere that after the clone wars normal people were enlisted into the soldiery more and more. By the time of ANH almost all the clones had been replaced with oridinary citizen soldiers.
The Empire definitely didn't use Clones exclusively in the OT since we know that Biggs had joined the Imperial Academy before switching to the Rebellion, but they did use them.
Let's see if I can go full blasphemous --

I actually think the entire OT should be remade to take into account everything that was revealed in the PT. Think of how different ANH would be if the filmmakers actually knew that Vader was Luke's father and Luke and Leia were brother and sister? Obi-wan wouldn't be calling Vader "Darth" but Ani - just like Dumbledore calls Voldemort "Tom" to belittle him.

And the Jedi battle can be all jumping around. Yoda could be freed from just sitting there too. We could see the destruction of Organa from planetside. There could be more aliens throughout the series rather than just in the bar. Computer screens wouldn't have to look like a 1973 Atari.

Perhaps it needs another 10 years, so it can be remade in 4D holovision, but remade it must be.