this may be blasphemous...but i gotta say it...about clones in OT

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I personally like it better if all ST are clones and would be fine if they were digitally made all the same height.

Makes more sense why they can't shoot for crap. :lol Makes ya wonder how piss poor a shot Sandpeople must be.

It also makes the "short" line stronger and re-enforces the Empire's uniformity and control over everyone who isn't Vader, Palpatine or some token dignitary/advisor/pale purple wearing dudes..
also, in EP2, jango bumps his head when he enters slave 1...didn't a stormie bump his head in EP4 as well? if you listen to the commentary in EP2, he makes mention of it and even links it to EP2.

yeah, Lucas put that in. I don't know how many times he used the phrase "recurring theme" during the PT commentary
I think I'd rather see a re-invisioning (sp?) of the OT rather then it be messed with any more, give the older folk like me a clean pristine OT (even with some of the SE changes) & a new version made for the younger gen like the PT new actors everything!

PS:couldn't the height be different on the clones be because of being stationed in different gravities around the universe as they where growing? (silly I know :p ) As for the voices, accents change per your environment.
What the OT needs is more jedi and sith. :lecture

Or, the OT could be left alone and I could just watch the PT.

But that wouldn't make any sence... MOST Jedi's were killed, with exeption of Kota, Yoda and Obi-Wan. And there are allready 2 sith's in the OT, Palpatine and Vader. ( as Yoda said:
"Always to there are, a master and an apprentice."

In my opinion the OT must be left alone... Or otherwise the story is going to be a mess... :confused: It's cool there can be some clones in the OT, but don't put any clones in the OT. Clones are in the PT and ST in the OT ;)
The only thing I wouldn't mind being tinkered with is the Vader/Ben duel, to make it a bit more physical.
I don't buy the 'Ben was old and Vader was a cyborg' argument. I mean what the hell was 800 yr old Yoda, or front flipping Dooku and Grievous?
But that wouldn't make any sence... MOST Jedi's were killed, with exeption of Kota, Yoda and Obi-Wan. And there are allready 2 sith's in the OT, Palpatine and Vader. ( as Yoda said:
"Always to there are, a master and an apprentice."

In my opinion the OT must be left alone... Or otherwise the story is going to be a mess... :confused: It's cool there can be some clones in the OT, but don't put any clones in the OT. Clones are in the PT and ST in the OT ;)

I was just kidding. I don't want the OT changed either.
OK, so here's the deal: Palps thought after the clone wars "Gee, these guys will do anything.. even killing Jedi for me... and there's about a jillion of them... it would suck if they found out what really happened... gotta stop with the clones..." So he kept what clones were left and stopped making more for the most part after the the Kaminoans produced Jango clones to fight the stormie's. Original Jango clones age at twice the rate of normal humans, so after 10 years of growth (that's 20 for them), 3 years of war (+6 years, now 26), then 20 years until ANH (that's +40 years), so they would be the equivalent of 66 years old. You just can't call it an army anymore when it's all almost 70 year old men... Plus the Centax II clones in Republic Commando: Order 66...
grew at a rate of 1 of our years for for every 20 of theirs and were flash-trained... so about 20 years after being cloned, those clones would be the equivalent of... 400 years old! Or more likely, dead of old age. Most empire clones before the Kaminoan clone rebellion (from star wars BattleFront II, even tho it is considered canon) and after the clone wars were grown just as rapidly, and would never live to see the events of ANH.
So Palps switched over to organically birthed recruits and eventually all the clones would die off... So maybe one clone could be alive at age 66 and still fighting for the Empire, but a whole lot of them (or what most are suggesting: that they all become clones) would be absolutely ridiculous.

Sorry for my mega-post, I'm trying to get a point across tho so please read it...
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For all the milking he does with SW, I wish George would do some spinoff movies that take place between ep. RotS/ANH. Just to show how ruthless the empire really was and how the clones progressed into storm troopers. The possibilities are endless. And that's said with the assumption that the live action series will be about Boba
The OT doesn't definitively say whether any of the Stormtroopers are clones or not. But some old magazine or article was published way back in '78 or '79 where Lucas talks about the Stormtroopers being clones. I'm way too lazy to bother trying to track it down online but Leia's question about Luke's height was *supposedly* written because the characters in the movie knew the Empire used clones.

That's true. I understood that the STs were clones when I was a kid from reading about it somewhere.

However, I believe the height was addressed back then as there being various clone types. Not just all based on one guy. They may have had many "clone zeroes" cloned.

Besides, back then and today, there are two very distinctive voices for ALL stormtroopers in ANH. So there's at least two different clone types.
For all the milking he does with SW, I wish George would do some spinoff movies that take place between ep. RotS/ANH. Just to show how ruthless the empire really was and how the clones progressed into storm troopers. The possibilities are endless. And that's said with the assumption that the live action series will be about Boba

That's the period that the live-action tv show is supposed to cover, so I'm sure you'll get your fix.
That's true. I understood that the STs were clones when I was a kid from reading about it somewhere.

However, I believe the height was addressed back then as there being various clone types. Not just all based on one guy. They may have had many "clone zeroes" cloned.

Besides, back then and today, there are two very distinctive voices for ALL stormtroopers in ANH. So there's at least two different clone types.

There were eventually after the end of the CW, multiple types of clones to diversify and strengthen the Empire military. But since 32 years ago, alot has changed about the canon of Star Wars. George has filled in some parts that weren't there before, so he changed his mind about some stuff in the process. The stormies in the OT are now supposed to be normal human recruits. Like I said, after Palps stopped cloning for the most part, the already existing clones were aging very rapidly. Did anyone read my other post? You guys don't seem to pay much attention to it...

I worked very hard on that post, retrieving bits of information from memory I hadn't thought about much. I know most things about Star Wars. If you don't believe me, PM me a question and see if I can't answer it pretty quick.