THOR: The Dark World

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"Ice Pirates" - there's an interesting old reference!

There is a new generation of Production Artists and Designers working movies these good as they are, I gotta admit, I never thought I'd see the day some of the old fantasy chestnuts from the '80s would ever end up influencing the tone and look of what we're seeing today. Not only is everything old new again, but even stuff that may have seemed cast-off and disregarded at the time (and for the most part, since) made an impression on somebody...and we're seeing it. Something oddly cool about that.... :)

Back to Thor....went and caught this again tonight...figured I'd better before the Catnip(ss) thing takes over the multiplexes next week.

I liked it even more this time....Taylor really put together a good flick....not perfect, but damned entertaining.
Saw this yesterday. Loved it. Not gonna make the mistake of reading all the haters hating on it. I think the weakest part of this was the villain. He was very forgettable. But to be honest, apart from Loki, I think all of Marvel's villains so far have been mostly forgettable.
For me this was good.... not great. It lacked in a few major departments for me to consider this as great.

My main nit with it is the direction that the humor has been going. I know it's a family movie and meant for all ages but the humor has been getting goofy and juvenile lately. It started a bit in Avengers and has gotten worse here. A little bit of that variety of humor is present in most of the comic culture flicks, but I feel that it was minimal in most of the prior movies and now it's becoming a bit much.

Malekith was a bit of a letdown and aside from looking cool, he was pretty forgettable IMO. I also feel like they could've done a lot more with Kurse. Like someone else mentioned already, there should've been an intense fight sequence between Thor & Kurse where Thor gets the snot knocked out of him. That's what was needed to send the message and nail it down of what Kurse is made of and the powerful threat that he is.

I don't think that they fleshed out the Asgardian crew enough. If they couldn't fit that into the story, they should've at least gave Sif more depth.

Even the fight sequences could've had much better choreography.

I know it sounds like I hated it but I really didn't :lol. I just think that there was a lot of room for improvement and the trailer sold me a higher expectation than the movie delivered. It had the potential to out-do the first one and it didn’t

I'm gonna give it another chance tonight; maybe it'll strike me harder the second time around
My main nit with it is the direction that the humor has been going. I know it's a family movie and meant for all ages but the humor has been getting goofy and juvenile lately. It started a bit in Avengers and has gotten worse here. A little bit of that variety of humor is present in most of the comic culture flicks, but I feel that it was minimal in most of the prior movies and now it's becoming a bit much.

I think the humor has always been a double edged sword. Thor 1 had it's moments of pure cheese like when she kept hitting Thor with her car or Kat Dennings just being herself. I will say Cap, from what I remember had it toned down...

The only one where the humor was really well-written was Iron Man. But the humor is both the sequels felt overdone. It made me think how bad the dialogue would sound if it wasn't Robert Downey Jr's charisma at least saving some of it...

Avengers had some of the funniest moments in all the films, so I was happy there despite some stale parts like the Shield guy playing the computer game or the "does Mother know you weareth her drapes?" :slap
WHAT!? Those two scenes are easily the funniest.

Comedy in these films are more important then you know. To take any of this seriously....well...then you'd be getting DC level films. And those films are just awful.
Loved the comedy in Avengers. Loved that they pulled it off in Thor without making the character himself a joke. A very fine line that they've toed nicely so far.
DC = Dramatic movies but too joyless.
Disney Marvel = Assembly line action comedy fluff.

Avengers had some of the funniest moments in all the films, so I was happy there despite some stale parts like the Shield guy playing the computer game or the "does Mother know you weareth her drapes?" :slap

Ugh, i'd thankfully forgotten that.

Loved the comedy in Avengers. Loved that they pulled it off in Thor without making the character himself a joke. A very fine line that they've toed nicely so far.

Well Thor wasn't involved in most of humour of this movie.
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Exactly. Green Lantern was pretty joyless despite how bright and colorful it was.
Don't know about any of that - but Green Lantern was pure

..& yep - folks ate it up too. :lecture
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He sure seemed to be. Hanging the hammer on the coat hook, sliding down the glass like Carl in "Up," "Who's Eric," "Really?" "Why are there so many shoes here," the girl on the subway, trying to fit in the tiny car, etc.

I don't remember the "Who's Eric?" and "Really?" references, but the rest were all some of the FUNNIEST humor. Darci wasn't as funny this time around. It felt forced. There was plenty of laughter in the theater though so humor for some isn't humor for others. The humor in no way felt wrong to me. All of Marvel's movies have been full of jokes.
I watched MOS and Thor2 for the first time each just a few days apart and have to say I appreciated the tone of MOS more than Thor as a whole. At least Supes did just about all his own heavy lifting in his fights. Who did Thor beat by himself? That big rock guy.
Loki saved Thor and beat Kurse after slaying a small cadre of Dark Elves first. Jane, Selvig, Darci and the intern took out more Elves in the final battle then Thor did. Sadly Jane and the professor also killed Malkith (with an assist by Thor)
Love Thor but Marvel needs to show him some respect.
Marvel also needs to stop trying to copy Wheddons formula, only Wheddon can pull off Wheddon.
Superheros rarely do everything by themselves anymore. In pretty much all of late they're had their girlfriends help in some fashion.

Amazing Spider-Man had Gwen work on the cure
The Dark Knight Rises had Catwoman defeat Bane
Iron Man 3 had Pepper gets superpowers, kill Killian and give up superpowers
The Wolverine had Mariko kill Yashida
Man of Steel had Lois arm the Phantom Drive 'bomb'
Thor the Dark World had Jane and Selvig design and hand Thor the weapon to defeat Malektih
Superheros rarely do everything by themselves anymore. In pretty much all of late they're had their girlfriends help in some fashion.

Amazing Spider-Man had Gwen work on the cure
The Dark Knight Rises had Catwoman defeat Bane
Iron Man 3 had Pepper gets superpowers, kill Killian and give up superpowers
The Wolverine had Mariko kill Yashida
Man of Steel had Lois arm the Phantom Drive 'bomb'
Thor the Dark World had Jane and Selvig design and hand Thor the weapon to defeat Malektih

It's an awful trend and Marvel is the worst offender.
Joint efforts in the defeat of baddies should be reserved for team movies ala the Avengers. Single hero movies should have the title character be the sole victor.
Not his friggin girlfriend.
I swear the same script writer is writing these movies.
Or the studio execs are screaming for the obligatory "empowered women" scene.
At this rate expect BW to take down Winter Soldier in Cap2
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