THOR: The Dark World

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It's an awful trend and Marvel is the worst offender.
Joint efforts in the defeat of baddies should be reserved for team movies ala the Avengers. Single hero movies should have the title character be the sole victor.
Not his friggin girlfriend.
I swear the same script writer is writing these movies.
Or the studio execs are screaming for the obligatory "empowered women" scene.
At this rate expect BW to take down Winter Soldier in Cap2

Widow's a physically enhanced hero in her own right, so it'd have to be Hawkeye. :nana:
I watched MOS and Thor2 for the first time each just a few days apart and have to say I appreciated the tone of MOS more than Thor as a whole. At least Supes did just about all his own heavy lifting in his fights. Who did Thor beat by himself? That big rock guy.

I watched MoS and Thor 2 just a few days apart and have to say I appreciated the tone of Thor more than MoS as a whole. At least Thor did just about all his own heavy lifting in his fights (leaving sissy stuff like "science" to the girls and mortals.) Who did Superman beat by himself? That big Zod guy. The human military killed more evil Kryptonians than Superman!

I watched MoS and Thor 2 just a few days apart and have to say I appreciated the tone of Thor more than MoS as a whole. At least Thor did just about all his own heavy lifting in his fights (leaving sissy stuff like "science" to the girls and mortals.) Who did Superman beat by himself? That big Zod guy. The human military killed more evil Kryptonians than Superman!


(In no particular order)
Killed Zod
Destroyed the World Engine
Saved the Col. from Faora so he could later stick it to the Kryptonians.
Fought Faora and her amored accomplice until they had to be recovered by additional lackeys and retreat.
Destroyed Zods ship and the Genesis chamber before he could target the C-17( So Big Blue also gets credit for dispatching the other Kryptonian convicts as well)

You're right, Superman wins. :monkey1

Pa martyrd himself (a bad call, Glenn Ford ftw)
Lost a part Metropolis saved the World.
(That's what happens when a hero of a immense power has to engage a villain of immense power because he can't count on a more popular half brother to do it for him)
Pa martyrd himself (a bad call, Glenn Ford ftw)
Lost a part Metropolis saved the World.
(That's what happens when a hero of a immense power has to engage a villain of immense power because he can't count on a more popular half brother to do it for him)

Loki actually didn't take part in the final battle. And Thor didn't save the world, he saved the UNIVERSE, and didn't have to sacrifice half a city to do it. :cool:
Loki actually didn't take part in the final battle. And Thor didn't save the world, he saved the UNIVERSE, and didn't have to sacrifice half a city to do it. :cool:

No your right, a pantless adled old man and Thors girlfriend armed with a modified model plane remote control did the bulk of the saving.
Who needs Moljinor?
I bet if Jane and Selviq had the chance they could pick up Moljinor cuz they seemed more worthy than Goldilocks.

Bottom line for me: Warners showed respect for Kal.
Marvel, not so much for Thor.
( ..and I love that Asgardian hippie)
Hey now, I'm just playing devil's advocate, I liked both movies. :lol

Yeah, I found alot to like in both.
I'm just glad studios are bankrolling these cinematic incarnations so at least I can get a HT figure out of the deal.
No your right, a pantless adled old man and Thors girlfriend armed with a modified model plane remote control did the bulk of the saving.
Who needs Moljinor?
I bet if Jane and Selviq had the chance they could pick up Moljinor cuz they seemed more worthy than Goldilocks.

Bottom line for me: Warners showed respect for Kal.
Marvel, not so much for Thor.
( ..and I love that Asgardian hippie)

At least Marvel's hero resembled Thor in both looks and behavior. :pfft:
Posts opinion.
Gets shut down with truth.
Calls everyone gay.

I see a flaw in that plan....
Loki actually didn't take part in the final battle. And Thor didn't save the world, he saved the UNIVERSE, and didn't have to sacrifice half a city to do it. :cool:

True but he also handed him the weapon to destroy the universe in the first place :duh

Superhero lesson #1: Don't give a weapon that could destroy the universe to the one person who wants to destroy the universe but can't without that weapon.

The Asgardian education system must not teach that one :lol
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