Starting to think those masks were a bad idea.... I think they're causing the problem. its the round eyes.
"The thing about an elf is it has got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a teletubby's eyes." --Quint
Geez, didn't take the grade schoolers long to glom on to that pict.
oh please... don't be such a humourless prude
My sense of humour is fine, it just isn't tuned to something so overtly obvious and base.
Please the snubness is killing me. Was it necessary to attack me and call me names? If you don't care for my post, why waste your time posting?
You took something I posted that was relevant to the thread and jumped on it in record time to post your pureile take. I called you on it and you don't like it, too bad.
Don't flatter yourself, It had nothing to do with you. I saw and enjoyed the pics and i spotted one that was too evident in it's potential for humour.
Somehow you took it personally and lashed out at me in a very rude and unecessary manner. Hopefully the mods do their job here.
"rude and unnecessary". How strangely fitting given your attempt at humor with the picture.
Malekith and Thor duke it out:
Now this is looking more like it:
I like his hair, I'm going to try braiding mine like that.
Nice video too, once we waded through the interminable ads.