And you seem to be assuming that we live in a world where everyone has the same opportunity and everything will just naturally become fair and equal if we simply give it enough time. And so we should just not make any effort at all and ignore the many who are feeling left out and disenfranchised today.
This is an important point that needs to be addressed, because it's an integral part of the subtext within The Last Jedi.
Within capitalism, there are institutions that discriminate. Wage gaps do exist between people who are doing the exact same job. There are instances of prejudice and bigotry toward women, ethnic minorities, the LGBT community and the disabled. However, there are many problems with the perspective of those taking part in the Social Justice movement. Just because you've identified a problem, doesn't mean that your solution is rational. The SJW solution is irrational.
1) People differ from one another cognitively. You are being cognitively prejudiced when you label a single set of circumstances as being "privilege". For example, if you don't like authority, it won't matter to you whether your president looks like you or not. If you view employment as being servitude, equal representation simply means that all people are being exploited equally. You might like authority or employment, but for those who don't, the Social Justice movement sounds irrational. This includes people on both ends of the ideological spectrum.
2) The system is also prejudiced toward men, despite what feminism would have you believe. For example, prison sentences for men are far more severe than for women, regarding the exact same crime. Men disproportionately make up casualties of war, despite defense being a prerequisite for your freedom. Men face institutional prejudice regarding child custody, divorce settlements and assault charges. Men are also likely to be victims of domestic abuse, making up over 40% of domestic abuse cases. To suggest that women are the sole people who have been oppressed by gender bias, is ridiculous.
3) The Social Justice movement subscribes to Post Modernism. Many SJW's who adhere to this philosophy regard Science, logic and reason as being either "patriarchal constructs", or the result of "Western Colonialism". The result: You get sociologists and gender studies majors defending irrational superstitions, like belief in Voodoo, in the name of cultural tolerance. Meanwhile, knowledge is about falsification. It's an attempt to disprove all claims about the world, including your own. In other words, knowledge is intolerant of bs.
The result: The Social Justice movement irrationally presumes that a single blueprint can accommodate everyone, is bigoted toward white heterosexual men, and attempts to undermine everything that humanity has achieved since the Enlightenment, writing it off as the product of your white, male overlords. It's nonsense.
But yes, I do agree that bigotry is a problem.
The Last Jedi reflects all of the nonsense within the SJW movement that I just mentioned. It is vague regarding its capitalist criticism, but there are unsubstantiated egalitarian overtones in the Vegas scene. All men are treated as being plagued by "Toxic Male Behavior" (an irrational feminist concept), to the point of absurdity. Also, one could argue that the subtext indicates that the Enlightenment should be disregarded, because progress happens when you look inside yourself, rather than failing constantly until you learn through trial and error.
The movie was garbage, and indicative of both Johnson and Kennedy's irrational ideological beliefs.
That's why I doubt many will purchase toys from this film.