Misogyny is awful on this site
Well, I have to say it was heartening to see so many people call out Raymond Ferraro for his comment. It didn't go unchallenged.
Misogyny is awful on this site
Misogyny is awful on this site
This particular fandom has them in spades. It's really unsettling.
for me the two characters that always have the best dialog who ever they are with
are Arya and Tyrion
Am I the only one that hopes the Hound is still alive and is eventually reunited with Arya? Maybe at some future point in time while working on some faceless mission, she finds him in danger and rescues him. I'd been waiting two seasons for the return of Jaqen H'ghar, so I'm intrigued by that entire plot line, even if I have to put up with a little too much corpse washing.