Happy Fathers day fellas!
the show is about jon snow, no chance thats it
Heh, you remind me the people who said the show as about Ned Stark...The show has no main character. I know this isn;t normal and people struggle with this and try and find one, but yeah, Spoiler alert, there isn;t one
It's an ensemble cast, to be sure. But the if the rumors are true about Jon Snow's parentage...As a child of a Targaryen and a Stark, the title of the series as "A Song of Ice and Fire" could very well specifically point to Jon Snow as the main character.
People give GRRM far more credit than I believe he is due. It's a longer game than most aer used to, to be sure, but all the conventions are there which are also in a thousand other stories.
Happy Fathers day fellas!
Happy Fathers day fellas!
Happy Fathers day fellas!
I just received this today.
The throne is actually not that heavy. Without weighing it, I'd say 980g sounds about right. It's clearly hollow in the inside, but feels perfectly sturdy.
The quality is fine. Nice cast, nice paint. The size seems good.
I don't feel either the Hero Club or Dark Horse version truly captures the actual prop. It is just too detail laden. It would take a savant to replicate every last nuance and some bits like the fanned out blades at the top would be extremely fragile. This is fine for 1:6 scale. No normal person is going to look askance at this version.
It ThreeZero does an official version, and its better, I'll probably buy it.
You can see the size of Logan and Tyrion:
View attachment 191278
View attachment 191279
what throne is this??
It's an unlicensed release from Hero Club called "Iron Throne".
I already ready for a new PO. [emoji38] Bring on White Walker!
Unless it's one of the ones from Hardhome then no thanks. But even then I'd still go for human characters over them. Too many real characters I want first.