I already ready for a new PO. [emoji38] Bring on Jaime, Daenerys and Ygritte!
I already ready for a new PO. [emoji38] Bring on Jaime, Daenerys and Ygritte!
Do you have a pic or link to that?
I'm very curious about who we might see next. I've been told by my sources that 3Z may be able to stray from the (definitely non-official) list that I shared a year or so ago. (That initial list was Tyrion, Ned, Jon, Jamie, Drogo, Danerys and a White Walker.) But it seems they're not necessarily locked into those characters.
Which I think is great. I mean, sure, he'd make a cool figure, but I'm not sure how excited I'd be about Drogo. I'd much prefer Oberyn. Or the Hound. Or Melisandre.
That said, despite pestering my sources, I don't have any new intel on who might or might not be next. Or, indeed, who might be on a new-and-improved list. Or even whether there is a new-and-improved list.
All I'm saying is ... the old list isn't iron-clad.
Very curious also here to see what's next on the line. I would love to get a Jaime at some point (or the Hound), but at least for me the priority should be to complete first the four protagonists...and that means getting Arya and Dany.
Unfortunately being females they will be probably end being put in the backburner![]()