Super Freak
If only that would happen with Tywin, haha.
Sooo how is everyone's V1 Tyrion tunic looking nowadays?
Same as the day I opened it!
Not looking great for this line though is it? Absolute radio silence from TZ. Looking forward to InArt’s Daenerys which will be a definite purchase. Wonder what season they’ll go with.
Yeah I’m in the same boat, once the ROTJ Scout Trooper arrives the only figures I have on pre order are Bespin Luke and InArt’s joker. When it comes time to pay for that Joker I’m not sure I’ll be able to part with the €900! I sure would love a Robb Stark though. I’m out of space and these figures are crazy expensive now. It’s time to quit but easier said than done.Mine is flaking in the back. Not awful, but does it matter? Lol
I didn't know InArt had a Dany in the pipeline. As much as I'd like one, I doubt I'll buy one. I can't do $300 - $500 a figure too often. I'll he bowing out of the 1/6 game pretty soon, I reckon. My purchases have become fewer and fewer the past couple years.
I'd buy a Robb Stark if threezero ever got around to it though like they said they would.
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Oh wow, out of left field! Surely this means the Mountain can’t be far behind?!
I’m good for updates on solid charactersThe Hound was just pure swagger in the remaining seasons. Love that guy.