I want you to be wrong but know in my heart your experience isn't wrong. I'm telling you, the second HBO markets these (still think box art will dictate alot) they'll get snapped up. Isn't the problem when they over produce and don't sell? So many of these would borrow from each other anyway and doesn't HBO handle rights themselves without nitpicking among actors? As a book fan I'd buy every figure you just mentioned if they were done well and had cool box art. Specially at 160 or around. Maybe not Sansa, she always misremembers stuff in the books which peeves me.

Shown is the darkhorse Victarion.
Difference with starwars and even LOTR vs Westeros is everyone can relate VERY closely to a character in westeros (minor, major, if you're a realist you can find your doppleganger). That's a damn cool feature of a book and tv series. You're gonna get people buying not for LED features, extra sculpts, trending factor and whatnot, but because they LOVE a character (or LOVE to hate). At the very least characters like Roose and Ramsay bolton shouldn't be longshots down the line as they are BENCHMARK characters and villains that aren't nasty zombies.
Ramsay was in one of the show's season advertising photos and he was already well known.

Both are critical to the show's story and both are long lived characters.

AGAIN, how much do you estimate they make per figure? In the sense of, do they make a decent amount or barely skim? I was fully expecting a high price point from HBO.
I only got into this when I randomly came across an ad for SS's 1/6 scale Raynor when surfing battlenet. I've spent a crapload now as a more unique and cool form of artwork (swap stuff out depending on season, movie release, feelings that day, etc) that appeals and relates to me (If I see another paper copy of Starry Night I'll vomit, girl you ain't into guys who send severed limbs), and game of thrones will do the same thing but exponentially more. That's why I hope for something unprecedented, there's a whole fanbase that's clueless about these figures, and that fanbase happens to be both enormous and diehard.
*Ned Stark first died like 16 years ago or so keep in mind, so if HBO markets Ned after release his success would be very indicative of others
There just isn't a market large enough for high-end 1/6 figures to warrant making absolutely everything. Remember that most people will not commit to an entire series, even with something as big as Star Wars. And regardless of how popular GoT is, it's a drop in the bucket compared to Star Wars.
No one is going to buy Sansa, Stannis, Loris, Ramsay, Reek, among others.
I can understand being excited about the license, but what you're describing is simply unprecedented, apart from SW, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.