Damn, this line is gonna be awesome! I just hope the sales are good enough to get us at least the main characters.
Its long overdue I can tell you that.
Odd that they went right to Legion though, don't get me wrong Im extremely excited we are getting him, but logically Garrus should have been next.
then they can do eva/ediThis is the other pic. Threezero are great with mechanical stuff so maybe this was easier and quicker for them to knock out
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their legion seems proportionally off chest to big, shoulders to small, eye to big, shouldn't he be smaller than Shepard. was he purple?
then they can do eva/edi
Hmmm.....Shep looks uber cool....but I can't afford him now. You guys think he'll be available in the secondary market at retail after release?
Legion needs his Sniper Rifle and The plating from Shepherd's armor to cover the hole.
I may be dropping all other lines for this and Avengers.