No, it's not all connected, their services are spread out across the country, the digital download servers are not even the same servers that the multiplayer runs on. The reason multiplayer games can have trouble is either they don't have enough servers (as it happens with most MMO launches) or there's bugs in the multiplayer programming (like Battlefield 4).
The big deal with Titanfall and the Xbox One is that Microsoft's new cloud service allows them to add and subtract severs very easily so it's not a case of trying to figure out how many servers they need to cover the launch.
WTF? Did Xbox Live just completely meltdown? Got Titanfall in my hands, go to fire up my XBONE and wasn't even able to sign on! What a **** show....BOOOOOO!!!!
I like the book and poster. I just played about an hour and half without any issues. Very fun, and fast paced. Iwish there were more humans in there with the bots, but I think the gameplay is fine right now.
Were you experiencing issues signing in to Xbox Live? We are very happy to say that our team has fixed the problem and the Live service is ready and waiting. If you are experiencing any lingering issues, try a cold reboot of your Xbox by powering down, unplugging, waiting 10 seconds, plugging back in and powering back on. Thanks for all your patience while our team was working. Have fun!
trying now - cold reboot worked...hey only 6 hours!!!
I must have gotten lucky. When I got home I had no issue logging in and game installed in like 20 minutes. It took a minute or so to find matches but it was almost as long as when I tried to join Black Ops servers. Looks like the same software or code or whatever for both games.
Is the copy of the game in the CE plastic wrap? My CE got delayed till next week and I'm thinking of buying a standard and selling my CE copy when I receive it. I can't wait another week for this game
got it downloaded last night and woke up early to play this. really fun game and although i played the beta a lot, it seems so new, but that is cause of the new maps and such. sucks that people were having the online problem, I've been playing it off and on all day and had no problem getting my system to log on at all.