Having trouble at the moment, they may be doing maintenance since it's late, but I'm unable to play because it's having trouble with Origin. Which sucks, since I didn't play earlier in the day and had just tried to play it now.
Is the copy of the game in the CE plastic wrap? My CE got delayed till next week and I'm thinking of buying a standard and selling my CE copy when I receive it. I can't wait another week for this game
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Says invalid. I already have one but was curious if that was real.Xbox One with Titanfall bundle for $400: https://xbox.microsoftstore.com/sto...box-One-Titanfall-Edition/productID.295570800
Use code "1" at checkout
Im picking this up tomorrow. Im a little disappointed there is only 3 titans. Hope they add more later on.
So is it happy camping or does the game manage to flush them out ?
After 5 or 6 hours of playtime, I still cant decide on this one. Its fun, but im not addicted or have the same "one more game" feeling I get with other shooters in the past. Its well made and feels great, but isnt as satisfying for some reason. I hate the npcs running (or standing) around. They usually just get me killed. Not kill me..get me killed. While im mowing them down, another player can get a free kill on me. I actually ignore them now unless theyre in my way. Im a little disappointed with the weapons too. Whats there is cool, but more wouldve been nice and I expected a bigger selection. Its a great game, but the magic isnt quite there for me. I really want to love it though.
Same here, the story mode was just a horrible waste of time, could care less about the story they created.
We are forced to play it though because of the necessary unlocks, but I could've muted the story and been none the worse.
Overall its a fun game, but just not enough to keep me interested for a long period of time.
Lets see how the additional contents affect this game, but $60.00 for this is a dangerous slippery slope, so limited in content.
Seems to me the game does a good job flushing them out, though I see a few playing in pairs - that does stack the odds in their favor. You need to play with a buddy or use a lot of cover.