Super Freak
Hahahahah!!! ^^
Why do you think that?I'd love to see Hot Toys turtles too but I'm afraid the only way would be based on the new movie's design, which I'm pretty sure won't be my cup-of-tea.
Yes! And please let them know about the shoulder thing! It might not be too late to have the metal dies changed.
And look! The original Movie Star turtles got the shoulders right!
Right size and placement.
True. I'll admit right off the bat that this is only a guess, but isn't Mattel trying to sell their MotU figures as something more than just collectors items? Like, aren't they trying to push it as something for kids to get into too? Like I said, I'm only guessing. I accept if I'm wrong.
What Playmates is doing by re-issuing the classic line, and selling new super-articulated figures is catering specifically to the old fans - the collectors. They're not marketed toward kids.
Why do you think that?
The 1990 film has a huge fan base - lots of older collectors with the money to pay for high end versions too.
I'd say.. give it time.![]()
Yeah, I know what you meant.Oh I just meant that it seems most likely that if we get Hot Toys turtles they'll probably look like they will in the new Michael Bay film and I'm not a Michael Bay fan (not sure if pics have surfaced yet other than Megan Fox and some of the motion capture action).
But Hot Toys of the old film I would definitely go for. I just don't think turtles have the clout of Batman to warrant doing old designs.
Just like they wouldn't make retaliation joes, right?
I dunno. The Crazies remake is an excellent movie compared to the dull and awkward original.
Man I wish I still had my Leo figure.![]()
Ehh.. not the same.
The designs & look of the new Joe films cater to tastes that buy those kinds of action oriented characters anyway. Military / ninja / special ops dudes, etc etc.
Conversely, there's been long time demand for high end 1990 TMNT figures.. not these new Bay ones. That said - they could look really good, but the original film will never be beaten - let alone the Jim Henson created suits, & imagination-less studio types never seem to grasp the fact, that remakes are never going to have the same impact that the benchmarks they're referencing - do.![]()
You totally missed my point.Yeah because we saw what happened with the Dark Knight trilogy pfft!