When you're done tree-hugging, and making bull____ generalizations about law, look at the bottom line. If you were making money off your face or paying someone to make money off of theirs, how would you feel if someone dipped into your pockets?
Something else to consider. No laws = no equal rights. You'd have no place at the computer discussing your opinion with men, you wouldn't be allowed to own property, much less, even vote. You'd have no right to seek justice for rape, etc. Your husband or father would have to do so because you'd basically be their property. So ponder that the next time you encourage anarchy.
That POV is biased and entirely hypocritical. Just because there's a bit of craftsmanship involved by the artist doesn't absolve him of the fact that he's also, basically a thief. A thief is a thief. The sculptor is a thief, essentially stealing food out of the mouths of the people whose likeness/rights he/she is infringing upon. The recaster would just be simply stealing the food from the thief.