That Japanese poster is pretty damn cool!
All the potential SNIKT commentary that we could be reading right now turds in wind.
Socially awkward or not he’s the best part of the trailers.
Tom Harding as a near comic accurate looking Venom calling people a limbless turd has got my full attention.
Trailer is SJW free you all should be embracing this after that Terminator reveal lol
Yeah I am getting a Rainman vibe from Hardy....
Is Brock suppose to be retarded in this?
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
And I cant agree about Tom Hardy.. He looks as bad as everything else in the trailer.. But I am willing to say that it just may be the editing.
Man that is great!!!
Now this is an MCU approved Venom, right?
So is it safe to assume that a Holland Spiderman cameo is the big secret that’s floating around?
Unless this is not an MCU coordinated Venom and the big secret is just another dumb symbiote clone lol