Re: TonyMeis Custom DC (1/4 HT Dark Knight Cape, Custom MOS Superman Cap youtube vide
Inner Plastic remove tutorial (Part 1)
1. turn the figure around and cut open the suit (you can cut the plastic neck frame, it'll make this mod much easier, as I did in the next few pictures)
2. out goal is to take the inner plastic out and also make the collar lower close to the Superman symbol
3. cut it open with exacto knife
Inner Plastic remove tutorial (Part 2)
1. once the stitches is cut (half way is enough)
2. open the suit up, and you'll see the inner plastic is what make the trapezius bulky
3. pull the suit off slowly, and carefully (even if you mess up a bit, its okay, it can easily be covered up by the cape)
4. start taking the inner plastic off (it's only been glue onto the body at a few small area, once loosen the glue, its simple to be pulled out)
Outer collar remove tutorial (Part 3)
1. pull the outer neck collar frame off the suit slowly and carefully
2. measure where you would like the collar frame to set and draw a small lines across the collar bone area (then cut it across, but be sure to leave enough space to glue the collar frame back on)
*Also to be on the save side, be sure to crazy glue both seamline stitching, so the stitches wont fall apart
3. hand sew the back together
4. hallow out the collar frame
Inner Plastic remove tutorial (Part 4)
1. now you have a lower collar line
2. hand stitch the rear back together
3. crazy glue the collar frame back onto the suit (I did not glue the side, only the front)
4. and crazy glue the rear. Now you got a lower flat shoulder as shown in the Movie
Custom Cape Installation
stock cape remove tutorial
1. Place the inner side of the cape at the cape insert section.
2. Put the tiny pins (pins provided) into both corners of the black frame.
Press the pins down into the soft rubber body for stability. (angle it downward to avoid pins sticking out of the suit)
3. Repeat step 2 on the other side.
4. Flip the cape over the neck, DONE.