Insufferable S.O.B.
Re: TonyMeis Custom DC (Custom 66 Robin Capes, CR Superman, MOS wire cape)
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Wow! That is one cool custom Bats you got there Tony.![]()
your work is amazing.
that is one phenomenal Batman. absolutely perfect. that cape is just fantastic.
Tony if you can let me know about my order.
Thank you again
The guy wasn't satisfied with the product. It doesn't mean he should be ostracized for his opinion. He didn't like the cape, everyone's opinion is different. I thought about ordering one then realized it was too much for what you get so I didn't make the purchase. This guy at least pulled the trigger putting cash in Tonys pocket, he should at least say his peace(he paid for the right).Tony's stuff works. It's simple and effective. I can understand being a little underwhelmed receiving a custom fabric cape but the point is that his capes look better than than the synthetic material Hot Toys uses and has a more natural look, weight and drape than what comes with the stock Hot Toys figures. If you don't want to pay to upgrade then stick with the stock cape and don't complain.
Dat cape.Seriously, that is perfection, right there. Well done, sir!
Wow Tony, that's amazing work.
The original Batman is just too cool..![]()
I was not sure what kind of thread I was entering when I saw Batman's Birthday Suit -- but was pleasantly surprised to see this figure! Great job!
This is by far the best cape you ever made tony, pure perfection makes me want to make the first appearnce batman
Not even a fan of this version of early Batman...until now![]()
that batman is amazing!!
Still patiently waiting on my Wired MOS Cape...