Great minds!
No, I don't have the money. I don't buy that many figures, but if I do, it has to be a character I really care about. Not that I don't like them, but that's just how I like my collection! I don't know you saw in your "activity list," but I've been buying the Figuarts Dragon Ball figures. I'm only going to buy Goku and Vegeta (The two most popular characters). They aren't making anything I want next year, and I don't collect anything else, so I might buy a MGS Hot Toy if they announce one! Or maybe buy some new kitchen appliances—I really would like those!
I really hope they make a MGS4 Microwave Burned Snake, but I'd buy any Old Snake! That scene where he screams, "LIQUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID," is basically the culmination of everything that happened before it, so it would probably be the definitive MGS figure for me! If Solid Snake was written the way he was in MGS4, he would have been on my top 10 list. I thought Solid Snake devolved into a walking talking PSA in MGS and the cheesy dialogue, while fun, broke my connection with the character. With MGS4, he felt human to me!
My only nitpick was that end. I would have had him put the gun in his mouth, faded to black, and then we would have heard the Patriot gun shot. I'd be at the edge of my seat, wondering who's wielding the Patriot. It can't be Big Boss, can it? Then when they cut back to the scene, it would have shown Big Boss shooting the gun to stop Snake. Then everything could have went as followed.
Kojima is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me, so what do I know?
If they make Old Snake, then I hope they make Liquid/Ocelot!
I'll put "My favorite moments" list of the series in the MGS thread, if you'd like. I'd really like to see yours too, if you're interested! That goes for any MGS fans here! I love the series so much. I never get bored talking about it!