I cant believe they didnt mention Highlander. We all know that Sean Connery is not Egyptian.
And Lambert is far from Scottish.

Fun read...
I cant believe they didnt mention Highlander. We all know that Sean Connery is not Egyptian.
You can't really put 10KBC in with Braveheart and Gladiator. At least those 2 gave you a sense of the period. Many of the criticisms are petty and pointless. 300 is a fantasy based on a more myth than history incident and has no real bearing on the actual period depicted. Same with 10KBC.
Who thought the Spanish arriving in the end of Apocalypto were portrayed as saviors? I was thinking, oh crap... there goes the neighborhood
Funny read, from people with too much time on their hands to worry about things like this![]()
I thought the same thing when I first saw it.But it's still a great movie.
No one should expect a movie to be historically accurate, if you want history, watch a documentary, if you want entertainment watch a movie.
Ditto, I never saw them as saviors at all, besides it wasn't just the Pox, but the freaking genocide!!
I agree, I enjoyoed the movie a lot, and I love mesoamerican culture, even though I noticed a lot of inaccuracies, I just enjooyed it for what it is. Besides, it's the firt time a large scale mesoamerican movie get made with a decent budget.
I wish they did one about Tenochtitlan though, that would rock!
Why'd they include 2001? Seems out of place with the rest of their list. 2001's prediction of the future is inaccurate, but the rest of the list is guilty of inaccurately presenting the past. Doesn't fit in with the other movies.
That would be fantastic! Anything with Aztec culture would be great, or even the Malinche (although that would invoke a lot of controversy). Anything about Texcoco and the building of Tenochtitlan and Mexico City would be a treat too! The problem is, there just isn't enough stuff about mesoamerica in the public eye. The only movie about my people right now is The Emperor's New Groove.
Although as a Hispanic and a Spanish Teacher my opinion might be a little biased . . .![]()