Ok, here goes...
1) Return of the King (theatrical) - after the splendor of Fellowship and the turmoil of Towers, I was unprepared for the boredom of King. Too fast paced (from Minas Tirith to Mordor in... 30 seconds!) yet unbarably slooooooow (how many long-winded endings can one movie take?), I couldn't wait for the end credits. And if they put in one more bloody whining, yearning lament about the $%#!ing Shire... Funnist homo-erotic scene ever projected onto the silver screen though - slow motion hobbit and wizard love, the TRUE love that shall not speak it's name! Hilarious! *
2) Star Wars episodes 1, 2, and 3. Why George, why? Ok, they have their moments, but that dialogue. And that acting. And no more dodgy animation, pleeeeease! Terrible stories told badly - follow your own advice George and get SOMEONE ELSE to write and direct, giving you more time to RUIN the originals.
3) Team America. Utter ****e.
*Before you all lynch me let me add, the Extended Edition was simply fantastic and addressed pretty much all my issues with said film... except for the whining. GET OVER IT SAM, YA BIG GIRL'S BLOUSE!