Toyfair 2007 Captain America pics.

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customizerwannabe said:
I got on 1/23, but if it doesn't convert I don't really care. I'll own one either way. A little thing like money sure ain't gonna stop me!:D

I know it's none of my business but is your name Richard Branson? If so I promise I won't tell anyone! Your secret is safe with me. :D
El Roranous said:
Khev, I don't want to be rude but do we need these constant ebay updates?
Of course not, they're just fun. :naughty :D

El Roranous said:
It really just worries us wait listers even more and I am sure many of us already know how to do a completed listings search. :monkey3
You're just bitter you didn't buy one last week at $430. :lol Just kidding, I guess part of the fun is that I really do think most or all of you will have your wait list convert. Its fun for the rest of us to watch you sweat though. ;)
Khev said:
Of course not, they're just fun. :naughty :D

You're just bitter you didn't buy one last week at $430. :lol Just kidding, I guess part of the fun is that I really do think most or all of you will have your wait list convert. Its fun for the rest of us to watch you sweat though. ;)
I'm sorry Khev, I probably came off as a jerk. :eek: I, and probably a few more are just nervous about the wait list. I hope you understand- I didn't mean to call you out and be an a$$.
El Roranous said:
I'm sorry Khev, I probably came off as a jerk. :eek: I, and probably a few more are just nervous about the wait list. I hope you understand- I didn't mean to call you out and be an a$$.

It's only Khev, he's the exception on these forums. So resume being an ass to him. hehe

*hides from Khev*
El Roranous said:
I'm sorry Khev, I probably came off as a jerk. :eek: I, and probably a few more are just nervous about the wait list. I hope you understand- I didn't mean to call you out and be an a$$.

You weren't being an ass. You're not the only one who's getting annoyed by these.
I don't see why anyone would be annoyed by the updates. Hiding from them isn't going to keep the price from going up, and as they say, "knowledge is power." At least this way, if someone decides to go the ebay route to get theirs, they won't experience "sticker shock" when they see the current auction prices.
RoboDad said:
I don't see why anyone would be annoyed by the updates. Hiding from them isn't going to keep the price from going up, and as they say, "knowledge is power." At least this way, if someone decides to go the ebay route to get theirs, they won't experience "sticker shock" when they see the current auction prices.

Maybe we should post when every Marvel piece sells on eBay? If you're on this board, and in these forums, you know what is going on. If just feels like he's trying to hype the hell out of this to pump the value of it so he feels better about it because it's his grail. We know it's a kick ass piece Khev. We know every Marvel statue is going insane right now. We know you love Captian America. We also know that his death in the comics is causing this to go crazy. We don't need to be updated like CNN.
Darth Loki said:
Maybe we should post when every Marvel piece sells on eBay? If you're on this board, and in these forums, you know what is going on. If just feels like he's trying to hype the hell out of this to pump the value of it so he feels better about it because it's his grail. We know it's a kick ass piece Khev. We know every Marvel statue is going insane right now. We know you love Captian America. We also know that his death in the comics is causing this to go crazy. We don't need to be updated like CNN.

Khev is doing no such thing. Stop making false accusations or assuming the reasoning behind what he does.

You can't take the "ass out of u and me" in assume. Khev is just excited about the piece, and if he wants to update us on a frequent basis, he has a right to. He's not hurting or insulting anyone. He isn't breaking any forum rules. And I highly doubt Khev alone could effect the price of the Captain America PF. Lets not give Khev that kind of power. He's just a lil' collector who has OCD. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Moving along.
And I highly doubt Khev alone could effect the price of the Captain America PF.

Not sure about that. Hey, keep the hype up. :D It's a great piece, and even though I'm a member of the "wait list sweat club" I don't mind the plugs. Everyone has their favorite. Not sweating that bad anyway. Anyone here that wants it bad enough will get it even if they have to work a few OT hours to pay the premium on the secondary market.
Eli26 said:
Khev is doing no such thing. Stop making false accusations or assuming the reasoning behind what he does.

You can't take the "ass out of u and me" in assume. Khev is just excited about the piece, and if he wants to update us on a frequent basis, he has a right to. He's not hurting or insulting anyone. He isn't breaking any forum rules. And I highly doubt Khev alone could effect the price of the Captain America PF. Lets not give Khev that kind of power. He's just a lil' collector who has OCD. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Moving along.

Thanks posting police. I never said he was breaking any rules. I was just agreeing with Rory that these constant updates is getting annoying. But thanks for putting words in my mouth :monkey1
Darth Loki said:
Thanks posting police. I never said he was breaking any rules. I was just agreeing with Rory that these constant updates is getting annoying. But thanks for putting words in my mouth :monkey1

Boohoo. hehe

I am the posting police and you're under arrest! Spread em' big boy. *wink wink*

Kidding! Oh man, now people will really begin to question my sexual preference. Trust me I am all about the ladies.