Prop Toynami/Cinemaquette/HCG presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

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Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Yeah I saw that
Looks nice.

Are you going to do anything to yours RAF ?
I heard some people talking about some secret project or something
Hmmmmm wonder what it is
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Yeah I saw that
Looks nice.

Are you going to do anything to yours RAF ?
I heard some people talking about some secret project or something
Hmmmmm wonder what it is

lol no buddy nothing , I just did a custom for someone that I did not mention it on the thread , and I just happened to say something on that thread but has nothing to do with batmobile.
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Oh ok hahahahaha

By the way, do you know anyone that do acrylic cases ?
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

At my request, the dealer I have mine pre-ordered from is going to open the box and inspect it from top to bottom when they receive the shipment. They have already told me if it has any flaws it will be sent back by them so I don't have to deal with it. I'm just hoping it doesn't come to need for another Master Replicas Vader helmet type of debacle.

I just have the same agreement with my lcs and the lcs has it with his retailer.

long before it even arives it's already checked if it's ok.
The retailer also contacted Toynami\CM they wouldn't like to recieve a damaged version. so hopfully Toynami\CM will check extra before shipping.

I rather keep waiting a month longer for it to arive and that its perfect then arive today en have to send it back for a replacement.
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Oh ok hahahahaha

By the way, do you know anyone that do acrylic cases ?

about 15 yrs ago there was a place here in town, i had a big ass acrylic shelf case made, which i then gave away as my collections changed, im hoping they are still around, i will looking into it today as a matter of fact, i hope they are still around, my plan is to have the case made very close to the top of the batmobile dont want it too high. and in a slant as the base is. there is a lip on that base that will work perfect for the case to sit on, and im hoping they can round off the edges, and not sharp like a box. but i will know if they are in town still , will let you know and see what they charge, crossing my fingers
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

I contacted a local plastic acrylic maker, they would charge me $235 for my dimension.
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

I did but he said he is busy and stuff so he barely have any time these days.
I already asked him awhile back. Plus he needs to ship it, and I think he is in Canada right ?

When it comes to things that are quite fragile, I rather pick it up myself to avoid possible cracks and damages
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

man. that place is not here in town anymore , I did see a place on the phone book like 45 min from here , grrrr
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

My acrylic case is already made and finished, just got the call from them today. Will go pick it up this weekend as im to busy during the week to pick it up. Will post pictures of it then.

As for the fine hairline scratches, use some carnauba wax on the whole car. Let it sit and dry on the paint for about 10 minutes. Wipe off with a very fine microfiber cloth and I guarantee you it will come out looking like glass.

Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

My acrylic case is already made and finished, just got the call from them today. Will go pick it up this weekend as im to busy during the week to pick it up. Will post pictures of it then.

As for the fine hairline scratches, use some carnauba wax on the whole car. Let it sit and dry on the paint for about 10 minutes. Wipe off with a very fine microfiber cloth and I guarantee you it will come out looking like glass.


cool cant wait to see, it, and your right , carnauba wax will work perfect hell yeah :yess:
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

I did but he said he is busy and stuff so he barely have any time these days.
I already asked him awhile back. Plus he needs to ship it, and I think he is in Canada right ?

When it comes to things that are quite fragile, I rather pick it up myself to avoid possible cracks and damages

Cool yeah makes sense

Yupp I believe he is based in Canada
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

I'm gonna get some carnauba wax
Do I just get them from auto shop
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

I'm gonna get some carnauba wax
Do I just get them from auto shop

Well, there are LOTS of carnauba car waxes, with the good ones ranging in price from $15 for 16 ounces to $30,000 for a clear lucite pyramid shaped container with a gold mixing spoon with lifetime free refills. Each car wax has a different look to it, and different degrees of durability. For an off the shelf wax, I recommend Mother's pure carnauba wax with no cleaners. It has excellent clarity and a fair amount of depth, with a sparkling shine. For black, a lot of people like Pinnacle Souveran paste, because it has a really rich warm glow that stands apart from most other waxes. It has a lot of oils in it to give it that rich warm look, so it has very low durability, but if it's in a case, who cares? Souveran is $95 for 8 ounces, but can be had on buy one get one free once a year or so from AutoGeek.

If there is any fine marring, you can use PoorBoy's Black Hole glaze before you wax, to fill the slight imperfections to make them less noticeable to give more of a mirror shine. Poorboy's Black hole is only available online. Glazes are nice because you don't need to polish quite as much to achieve a great shine. Poorboy's Natty's Red paste wax leaves a really wet look, for around $24 for 8 ounces. Dodo Juice Supernatural leaves a very clear sparkling shine with a warm glow, that you can get in a small sample pot for around $20 I think. Other than that, there is Zymol , in various grades, from Glasur for around $90, to Concours for around $160, to sample sizes of Vintage for maybe $200. Vintage has a nice silvery glow to it, and is rich looking.
The difference in shine from one wax to another is pretty subtle in most cases, although the price difference is extreme, but then, when having the best appearance is important to you, you will pay it.
If you prefer a super sparkling shine without the rich warm glow, then I would suggest a sealant like Opti Seal. It is in a spray bottle and is crystal clear. That way, there is no colored residue to remove from nooks and crannies. You still need to spread it evenly with a foam pad, though. I prefer the look of a wax for show.
Remember to apply wax as thin as you possibly can while getting complete coverage, per coat. only a slight haze should appear on the car, and NOT a thick coat of wax spread on the car, where you can clearly see the color of the wax you used. That just wastes wax and makes it harder to remove the excess. Once you buff off the excess wax, the thickness left on the car is the same, no matter how thick a coat you used, because only so much wax will bond to the surface per coat. If you want it thicker, you need to apply multiple coats, at least 12 to 24 hours apart, so that the previous coat can completely cure. Multiple coats can hide fine scratches because of the added thickness. If you apply over 8 coats of wax, in my experience, you can begin to lose significant clarity, and make the paint appear cloudy. It depends upon the wax you use.
Buff off with a quality microfiber towel. It is soft and removes wax 3X easier than a terry cloth towel.

If there is a lot of dust, I suggest a waterless wash product, because they have lubricants in them that help prevent scratching when removing dust. You might want to follow up with a detail spray, like Mother's Showtime Instant detailer, to remove any residue from the waterless wash. If dust is extremely light you can just use detail spray and a microfiber towel to remove any dust, and enhance the shine at the same time.
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Thanks for the wax tip man

I haven't receive my batmobile yet, so hopefully I don't need to wax it but definitely helpful to know what to use and how to do it
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Just to chime in, I actually use Pinnacle Souveran on my cars. I also used it on a black car that I no longer have and I can attest that it worked better on black than anything I've ever used....and I've tried A LOT of waxes/polishes over the years. The one thing I'm not sure it will do, however, is hide scratches if a finish has them, but hopefully most of us getting this piece won't have that problem(fingers crossed).
Re: Toynami/Cinemaquette presents: BATWING & BATMOBILE.

Just to chime in, I actually use Pinnacle Souveran on my cars. I also used it on a black car that I no longer have and I can attest that it worked better on black than anything I've ever used....and I've tried A LOT of waxes/polishes over the years. The one thing I'm not sure it will do, however, is hide scratches if a finish has them, but hopefully most of us getting this piece won't have that problem(fingers crossed).

Pinnacle Souveran is a wipe on wipe off product, which is to say you apply it and wipe it off in a minute or so, while it's still wet. Application and removal of a wax is as easy as it gets with Souveran, which I am sure you know. Souveran does seem very thin after application, and I have done 7 coats with it before, and so yes, it can hide slight scratches, but it takes a lot of coats. I have heard of people using 30-35 coats for a car show, as quoted from from someone who works for the store that sells the wax. That seems like a lot to me, but maybe that is how many coats you need to bring up the thickness. I do believe that Collinite 915 would take far fewer coats to get thick, for example. Collinite is a great choice for your car, because it lasts 6- 11 months, depending upon which Collinite you use, like 476, which lasts up to 11 months,and costs $15-$22 per 16 ounce tin, so the value is best with that wax, no question.It looks great, too. However, it is an old fashioned type wax that is difficult to remove, so of course, it is extra important to go thin, and perhaps even remove with a microfiber bonnet on your DA polisher, but I digress.
The harder you rub, the more likely it is that you will mar the ppaint, which is yet another reason why Souveran would be a great choice for the Batmobile. It's rich, warm glow, adding depth as well, really enhances darker colors, although it does not sparkle like other waxes do, but for black, I think that a deep rich warm glow looks better than a very bright sparkle.
I make my money by detailing cars. It is how I pay for all this stuff.
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