TOYNK 30% sale! Get your Cinemaquettes and more for cheap!

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KitFisto said:
Here is my T-850 with the sun coming in on him throught window. Natural light does wonders for brining out what it looks like in person.
Kit urs looks great! he could use more of a trim off the sides and back tho. top's about right. u try using one of those battery trimmers used for beards, ear hair, staches, ect? bet that'd work great.
well i shoulda ordered a T-850 but i bet by the time i would've, they'd have been out.
Thanks Jeff - that lighting really makes a difference. I'll have to break out the T3 DVD this weekend and give him a trim.

I never would have dreamed of ordering this, but I'm not regretting it one bit.
Nightcrawler777 said:
Just got an Email from them telling me they didnt have the Thing Movie Maquette i ordered from them..

What a huge Surprise...

I went through the same thing with Toynk and the Cinemaquette T-850. I was really frustrated after getting my e-mail request back about the order. I'm actually glad the order didn't go through after all, I got something else instead last night with the money that I put off to the side for the statue...


That's right. I bought a puppy last night. I've wanted a dog for about 10 years. My father wouldn't allow one after our yellow lab passed when I was living at my parents. When I first moved out, the landlord wouldn't allow dogs. Now that I recently moved into a bigger place and fixed it up, I just went out on the spur of a moment and bought a dog. Wasn't planning on it. But I love the thing more than I ever would if I ended up getting the CM T-850. The only downfall is that unlike the puppy, I wouldn't have had to clean up after the T-850 (unless we are talking about trimming the T-850's hair, then it's a completely different ballgame). I'm very happy I could give this dog and happy (statue) loving home!!! :D
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