[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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All kinds of X-Men goodness happening the last couple of months. Someone is bound to notice eventually.
Well we've seen hundreds of unlicensed figures released with no real limitations on that, some of which were publicly pursued by license holders (such as the unlicensed Metal Gear figure from a few years back). And this is China we're talking about. Go to aliexpress and you can find thousands of unlicensed/bootleg products coming out of China, ranging from LEGO to designer shoes and everything in-between. The government there isn't going to allow intrusion on the order of what you might see in the West, or even other developed Eastern countries like South Korea and Japan.
Hope this company is gonna release more x-men characters :D can wait for this version of magneto and the old magneto + professor x from figure masters :D





DAMN! That looks great! I agree that it needs a bit of texturing on the face but with the helmet on he looks good. Now let's get a preorder link open on this ASAP! Too much to ask for wire cape? :pray:
Do his proportions look weird to anyone? He might need some mods like a shorter neck,bigger hands, thicker legs..idk...I'm definitely buying though

Well I think the shoulders need to be a little broader unless the photographer is just bad at futzing.

Still I can live with it, he looks amazing as is. :panic:
Looks better then I expected..still not supporting unlicensed and illegal goods. Sucks
Well we've seen hundreds of unlicensed figures released with no real limitations on that, some of which were publicly pursued by license holders (such as the unlicensed Metal Gear figure from a few years back). And this is China we're talking about. Go to aliexpress and you can find thousands of unlicensed/bootleg products coming out of China, ranging from LEGO to designer shoes and everything in-between. The government there isn't going to allow intrusion on the order of what you might see in the West, or even other developed Eastern countries like South Korea and Japan.

And go to aliexpress and watch how many hundreds of sellers get pulled every week. It happens. And there's a HUGE difference with this and Lego. Hot toys holds the xmen license for China. It's a Chinese company that is affected. Just becuase there are still other counterfeit goods does not mean they don't do things about it. Ever been to New York or La? Counterfeit stuff there too. New fake nike sites selling out of China pop up Dailey. And they eventually get taken down. I know of one specific company that was making replacement crotch pieces for the iron men hot toys figures that was shut down by this task force I mentioned. I know of a couple other specific knockoffs that where raided as well. And if it directly effects a Chinese company, they are infinetly more apt to act. You can list everything you want that gets made that shows counterfeiting takes place in China. Never said it didn't. But, if this gathers ANY steam, to the point that hot toys, or Disney, or fox, or the actors management team think it jeopardizes any likeness or license deals or future deals(Disney especially..how can they continue to charge the largest license fees of any company, record amounts, when the license isn't enforceable) this company and this figure will go away.

And frankly, it should.
Let's talk about the figure...
If you don't support unlicensed figures, just stay without a Magneto in your shelf, I'll have one on mine.
This place is way to inundated with licensed companies and their overpriced figures. And where did all this anti-third party sentiment come from anyway? No one was bothered over much about these kind of figures up until that incident with Poptoy's sherlock, is this all because one company over stepped itself?

And the figure itself looks great, but i agree the proportions are iffy; especially the length of the forearms. It's odd they did the hands the way they did; it could easily have been made so the gauntlet is separate from the hands; this would have avoided the stretchy looking fore-arms and given us more hand options.
I'll support whatever company will give me the figures I want, licensed or not makes no difference to me. As much as I like HT, they are too busy suckling Marvel's teat to do anything else. I'm still hoping one of these companies makes a Rorschach, since HT failed to do so. Call it "Mystery Man" or something stupid like that. I've got the Art Figures Dredd, and it's great.
I'll support whatever company will give me the figures I want, licensed or not makes no difference to me. As much as I like HT, they are too busy suckling Marvel's teat to do anything else. I'm still hoping one of these companies makes a Rorschach, since HT failed to do so. Call it "Mystery Man" or something stupid like that. I've got the Art Figures Dredd, and it's great.

Exactly! Doesn't matter the company or if has license, I just want a Magneto's figure.
arguably, the best X-Men movie.

Agreed. XFC is by far my favorite of the X-Men films and it honestly made me not care to ever return to the original cast again. I still wish we'd gotten at least one full XFC sequel, at the very least, before tying them back into the others.

I've never called myself an X-Men fan so I ignored FC when it came out, didn't see it until it was on dvd. Magneto owned that movie, Fassbender was awesome.

I felt the same, I had even less interest in the original cast after that. I realized I might not have a problem with the X-Men, maybe just Bryan Singer movies.

Great looking sculp, evetything else looks nice too. So far so good.

P.S. FC rocks, DoFP sucks

I too find DoFP, weak, boring and a waste of resources.

FC rules.

I just had to quote all the love for First Class (and JBot's bit about Singer X-movies). A FC Magneto in blue/yellow would be a must-buy for me.

As far as this figure goes, there are some issues (weird proportions, smooth facial detail, so much red), so I'm waiting to see how the final production version looks. I'm not a big fan of DoFP (or this outfit), but if it turns out really well, I may just pick it up.