Wow very thankful I hopped on this one when it was first available. I truly like this rendition of the armory much more than the Hot Toys Dark Knight Rises offering.
Looks awesome! I've been debating on grabbing this up myself. Where did you order from? ebay?
And have there been any QC issues to speak of? Honestly if I knew about the light issue with the Batsignal I bought I would have never bought it and waited for Hot Toys. Unfortunately I pre-ordered it and when I got it the light lasted like 30 seconds and it was done.
I did get it from eBay. The seller was sj--sales. Shipped fast. Got it in a little over a week. I think the only QC issues I've read on here were some of the gadgets being loose and strewn all over. Not sure that's much of a QC issue though. It's extremely well packaged, a lot like HT. The outside of the box even folds around to create a dio of the bunker but unfortunately it's too tall for the Detolf. The light on this is really nice. No issues, they even include batteries. I'd say if on the fence to grab it now while prices are reasonable. I got it for $258 shipped but they may not be making anymore of these.
Thanks for the info and insight! I'll have to move on this ASAP. It's hard to do when I'm playing russian roulette with Catwoman, the 89' Batmobile, and maybe the QS001 all within the next month or so lol I'll have to try and finagle this in there somehow
No prob!. I'm in the same boat. I have CW coming and one flex left on QS001 but these Batmobile issues have me debating whether or not to go forward with my PO.
Yeah I understand that completely. I almost canceled but decided to give it a shot. If the first Batmobile I get has the problems that I have been reading about I'm just getting a refund and calling it done. So hopefully they get it right and mines perfect and very close too. Like most I've waited too long for anything less than that
Don't happen to have a link to that seller's auction on ebay do you? I can't seem to find the auction. Unless he's sold out
That's the same way I'm leaning. It's gotta be perfect or it goes back for that amount of money. I'd really like to have it but we shouldn't have to compromise on the quality of it.
Looks like he's sold out. I found this one at the same price from another seller but you may want to look into him.
Exactly. As it's been said before we're paying hard earned money, a lot of hard earned money at that, for this item and it should arrive perfect. There is no wiggle room when it comes to the 89' Batmobile and the wait and price we have to pay. Crazy that they would take this so lightly and not learn from the mistake on packing the Tumbler.
Yeah I'm not so sure about that guy on Ebay. I may try kghobby. They have it listed on ebay but you get it cheaper from their website it seems. Around $250 shipped EMS. Decisions, decisions lol
I've heard kghobby is very good and reputable. A few guys here ordered from them. Everyone had positive things to say.
BTW where did you order your Batmobile from? it here. $240 shipped to USA.
i ordered mine and it came within 10 days. in perfect condition.
these are good sellers and beat any price on ebay. id move now, seems like these are not being made anymore. when theyre gone thats it.
i love mine. no defects at all. the bat suit is a little cheap. but overall, its a no brainer. it fits in the detolf too. it here. $240 shipped to USA.
i ordered mine and it came within 10 days. in perfect condition.
these are good sellers and beat any price on ebay. id move now, seems like these are not being made anymore. when theyre gone thats it.
i love mine. no defects at all. the bat suit is a little cheap. but overall, its a no brainer. it fits in the detolf too.
Couldn't resist. Just pulled the trigger for this thing from kghobby. Looks amazing and with whatever is going with Toys Legend I might not be able to get another one of these at this price later on.
Good move! You'll love this. It's such a cool piece!
I'm pretty excited to get this piece. It looks awesome! Chose ems so hopefully it arrives Sometime next week