By the time you are done and happy you likely spend maybe $60 for something half assed and $120 for something decent. Best looking fit is if you just pick up the Avengers Agent Phil Coulson and switch out the heads. If you can find it on sale maybe $180? Sell the BFG and HS you may be able to recoup $40. The only shortcoming he is on the short side of things but the suit is an almost Kayo quality fit that I have not seen from any other third party. Oh and it's black so not something BW wears in the movie
I linked a pic in the BW Kitbash thread some time ago but if you want I can add pics here when I get back home
"Resistance is Futile"
I linked a pic in the BW Kitbash thread some time ago but if you want I can add pics here when I get back home