I try to see in Ebay but nothing come out!!![]()
Chemspawn, it Looks awesome! Can't wait to get mine!
Its nice and probably the better of the two since it comes with all those weapons and the suit,but I hate preordering something and having it charge me before it ships
Of course I do too. But I got a much better deal (same seller as chemspawn and vraptor) and I've noticed some of these eBay guys have started to raise there prices already.
Just took a look at Toys legend's facebook page, they said in the comments of their photo album for the armory that they are only doing a single run of this, I am assuming the prices will only go up from here...I suggest people who are waiting out on a price drop act fast. MIne should be here soon!
Just took a look at Toys legend's facebook page, they said in the comments of their photo album for the armory that they are only doing a single run of this, I am assuming the prices will only go up from here...I suggest people who are waiting out on a price drop act fast. MIne should be here soon!
Just took a look at Toys legend's facebook page, they said in the comments of their photo album for the armory that they are only doing a single run of this, I am assuming the prices will only go up from here...I suggest people who are waiting out on a price drop act fast. MIne should be here soon!
.Hello!Please kindly be informed that we are handling the delivery of March ~ Mid of April Pre-orderIf you order now, We expected the shipping will be at the end of May, 2013Thanks for your concern!
Im a bit peeved with HK sellers for this. 3 sellers Happytrade house, toy strike and djfungshing have all sent me the same scripted response in regards to shipping and this is it:
Im more so annoyed at toystrike as he has this listed as available now in his description and has his shipping as within 10 days. Im giving him till the 28th that is when the 10 days ends. If i havn't seen any sign of a dispatch by then im getting my money back. i have sent him an email back asking when his stock is in and to explain why he has available now and shipping within 10 days when it seems to not be true. He's slow at responding just like the oter two took them 3 days to reply with the scripted message so. will keep people who have gone with toystrike posted.