Imagine ordering 10 items since May, 5 suppossedly in stock...and they never shipped any. I forgot about some and when I looked I see some had a shipping label created and information sent, but it never shipped.
Fiking hate them....2k down the drain.
Each time I ordered, they would give some story I believe, because that's been there pattern. Eventually that pattern turned into responses every 2 weeks.
It's the mouse hope experiment except in sales. I am actually in too much pain to check back all that I purchased again. I dealt with my bank directly in December and got a few hundred back out of thousands.
I just have a hard time going back and seeing what I ordered and paid for and they never shipped. It's literally traumatic to me. It's like being with a girlfriend who abuses you financially, takes your money and you got nothing out of it. Yes I consider TW a worthless girlfriend who gives no benefits.