When she realised that the elephants were treated badly... she and her Thai husband (that she met at the zoo) decided to open their own elephant camp. Where people can vacation and take care of the animals as an adventure. She had a baby a few months ago... lived in a little hut in the jungle... no tv... no newspapers... no luxury things... and she has never been happier in her life.
On March 11 things started to go wrong... after days of rain... everything was under water... puppies they had started dying... they thought they got poisened somehow... and Ari the baby did not sleep for a week... and Dominique (my friend) got overly exhausted... she kinda collapsed and they brought her to the military hospital nearby. In the hospital there you need to pay immediately and people have to bring there own food and have to go get their own medicins... they get a prescription and they have to go get it.
The first day... Dominique was still in good spirits... she said... I am just overly exhausted and she decided to stay another night in the hospital so that she could rest. There were some people from Holland at the camp at that time so they helped out like angels... because doctors and nurses hardly speak English it was very hard for them to try to find out what was wrong. The third day things were started to get bad. Dominique refused oxygen eventhough she needed it. And she looked all yellow and the bloodresults showed that she had a liver problem. They had tied Dominique to the bed because she tried to pull the infuse out of her arm. Things were really bad with her. She passed out in the meantime and had to be transferred to the hospital but they did not have the money so the Dutch people said they would pay for the costs. They bring her to intensive care where after six minutes her heart stops. They tried to reanimate her. Normally they reanimate for 30 minutes but in her case they tried for 55 minutes. At 2 o'clock Dominique was pronounced dead.
I loved her like an own sister and was so proud of her. It hurts and I am still in shock. Why did she have to go? She was younger than me... just had a baby... did not care about materialistic things... she was an angel... now I am stuck here.. I cannot leave the country when my Daisy (her sister) needs me... I feel so helpless

I added her picture... she was an angel... and will always be in my heart.