Transformers 4: Age of Extinction

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Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Of course Bay will carry it on. He hasn't added this Transformer in the movies yet. It'll fit right in.

Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

This guy was the most interesting human in the past flicks.

Keep him and get rid of all the other human characters. Make sure Wickwickwi whatever and his parents die a horrible death.

Oh and bring in Upton to be the new hawt chick.


As for the TF, eh robots are robots. :dunno
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Too bad Kate Upton doesn't look like that anymore....:(
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

I really hope for a change this time,someone else than Bay to direct and it really needs better writers.I love the first two but DOTM was really dumb,it seemed like they wrote themselves into a corner and came up with a stupid solution like Megatron taking advice from a Victoria secret model,Optimus flying around arriving the fight like 2 or 3 short times and getting stuck in cables,Autobots was gonna leave the earth but they never climbed aboard just seems too simple and uncreative.
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Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Did she have some kind of terrible accident or something?
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money


Re-BOOT Michaels Bay's lame ass away from Transformers.

I hate the existing Transformers films, k saw the first and didn't bother with the rest, so devoid of actual story or Robot 'Character' they're basically just Shia trying to score with a hot chick and arrogant soldiers hi-fiving each other, who want that in a film supposed to be about alien robots with their own civilisation and war.

I was hoping that with the financial sucess of the films, they would give the property to a talented director and writers who actually care about the robots

War For Cybertron was ten times better than these travesties, why can't they make a film about the Robots, and not about Hot Americans sometimes interacting with Robots
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Whatever you think of Bay's movie-making skills (or lack thereof), the guy made lots of people lots of money. Folks are gonna pay to see whatever he puts out if its got the name Transformers attached. It makes complete sense from the production company's standpoint to bring back as much as they can from the previous films.

Personally, the fact that Optimus Prime was transformed into a murdering psychopath bugs me as much as anything, but. . .the kiddies like to see their heroes shooting defenseless enemies in the face.

Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

:gah: enough of this franchise already. other than the first one, the others were crap.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Did she have some kind of terrible accident or something?

No. Kate loves junk food, been very public about it, enjoys herself so she has put on a few.


She has admitted to not really caring what people think and let's admit it even with a few extra she looks better than a lot of other women out there, it's just a little sad because she was super skinny and then met that perfect medium of in between and now it's just a little tipped over to the other side.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Personally, the fact that Optimus Prime was transformed into a murdering psychopath bugs me as much as anything, but. . .the kiddies like to see their heroes shooting defenseless enemies in the face.

Think that might be a bit of an exaggeration. He took out someone who wanted to bring the end of the world. Personally, I'd be more hacked if he didn't pull the trigger.

No. Kate loves junk food, been very public about it, enjoys herself so she has put on a few.


She has admitted to not really caring what people think and let's admit it even with a few extra she looks better than a lot of other women out there, it's just a little sad because she was super skinny and then met that perfect medium of in between and now it's just a little tipped over to the other side.

I've got no problem with how she looks right there at all.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

He took out someone who wanted to bring the end of the world.
Be that as it may, he was defenseless at the end. Killing in battle is one thing, but personally, I don't consider anyone that kills a defenseless opponent as heroic or noble. Quite the opposite. Particularly when it's a character that I thought of as heroic and noble in my childhood.

That chick also looks fine to me, though, even with the extra poundage.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Be that as it may, he was defenseless at the end. Killing in battle is one thing, but personally, I don't consider anyone that kills a defenseless opponent as heroic or noble. Quite the opposite. Particularly when it's a character that I thought of as heroic and noble in my childhood.

That was disturbing to me too, and definitely not the Optimus Prime I've always known. That would've been like Christopher Reeve punching his fist through Lex Luthor's head at the end of Superman instead of flying him off to prison.

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