It´s the absolute worst of all and has brought me to the point of selling the others.
- Dragonstorm first forms out of 12 knights, later out of 6, or 7. WTF?!
- Bumblebee reassembles himself just like that. But in 1 he needed to be towed by a wrecker for the rest of the movie. Huh?!
- Baby Dinobots?! 2 establishes that Cybertronians form out of protoforms. Again WTF?!
- Speaking of: Grimlock and the others went into freedom after 4. Now Grimlock is back with them...where are the others?
- Speaking of 2: In the Battle, Grimlock and Slug pop out of the ground and vanish a minute later, never to be seen again. Where was Slug before that?
-, while the trailer shows a planet-like structure approaching.
- Hút Rút
- Anthony Hopkins saying 'Dude'
- I am Nemesis Prime, I am Optimus Prime...did you forget who I am? I am Optimus Prime (Never thought I´d say this: "STFU, MOFO!")
- The Decepticons...uhm...yeah. Onslaught, no combaticons. Nitro Zeus? (Soon there 40 Years worth of better characters, but sure come up with "better" ones)
- Galvatron is Megatron again. Why? New body, old name, no explanation. He had no one to rebuild him. WTF, again.
- 2 and the "Covenant" book established 13 Primes, now there´s the Prime of Life; Quintessa. (That and Dragonstorm: Counting is clearly not for you, Bay)
- Ironhide is shown in the Pirate Age.......uhm...he arrived in 1, together with the others?!
Fail on all ends. I´m done with this and so is the world it seems.