Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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I just thought it was funny not that harmful or racist! People these days can be so sensitive about these issues.

If you're looking for it, you'll find it. Whites are always the first to cry racism these days when it's not about them. They look the other way when it is.
If you're looking for it, you'll find it. Whites are always the first to cry racism these days when it's not about them. They look the other way when it is.

Could not be any more accurate then that, i totally agree.

and its mostly the women lol..i am joking!! haha.
Granted there was the one running in the desert shot of Megan, but I thought the visual sexuality was quite toned down in this one.

I felt Megan was more sexualized in this one than the last. A lot of the shots were done to show off her ass or her chest, the amazingly red lipstick that seemed to get stronger instead of fade, the removal of the jacket before the slow motion running scene, even the moment outside the garage where she is changnig into a dress was shot upwards a bit to get a quick panties shot as the pants came down. I understand the need for sex appeal and that many men run to see that aspect but it could have been done more subtile than was put out there.

I've heard a lot of complaints abot the forced humor, I myself found much of it moronic (except for the mom, she was great), but the rest of the theater was eating it up with a spoon. I understand why it's there, without it you'd probably lose a good chunk of the non-geek audience.

The twins were forced humor, Leo was forced humor an attempt to make a mix between Sam and Turturro. The mom was over the top, even Turturro's character has a bit of those forced moments. The first one was funny because it came in short bursts and moved on, it was like Bay was trying to outdo himself and said "Bumblebee spraying lubricants and liquids was funny, lets do this even more this time."

I enjoyed the laughs, I got a good chuckle when they were in the hanger and Lennox was whispering to Prime about his plan :lol I wish Lennox could get as much screen time as Sam, I think he's a cool character.

I like Lennox and even Tyrese's character but they were definitely parts of the equation that didn't seem to fit until the last fight sequence. It almost seemed like throughout the film they wanted to keep reminding the audience they were there because they'd come in handy elsewhere. Since the Autobots took care of the Decepticons throughout the film, the NEST operatives seemed to just be running behind as they little tails.
Saw it last night and I liked it alot, the robot fights were awesome! especially the one with Prime and the Decepticons brawling in the Woods. They had a bunch of showings but when me and my cousin showed up at the theater at 7:00pm and asked the guy for tickets for an 8:30 he said they were sold out, we had to buy tics for friggen 10:10 and when we got back to the theater at 9:30 my other cousin and her boyfriend tried to get tics and it was sold out till 11:30. I learned my lesson, always fandango for big movies :lol
I felt Megan was more sexualized in this one than the last. A lot of the shots were done to show off her ass or her chest, the amazingly red lipstick that seemed to get stronger instead of fade, the removal of the jacket before the slow motion running scene, even the moment outside the garage where she is changnig into a dress was shot upwards a bit to get a quick panties shot as the pants came down. I understand the need for sex appeal and that many men run to see that aspect but it could have been done more subtile than was put out there.

Sorry, had to post about the irony of this coming from the guy with THE most overtly sexual signatures on the board :lol
Saw it yesterday......

The last 45 minutes was great. The rest was a tad boring. I could have done without about 90% of the "comedy" as it was fully cringe worthy. I still don't understand why every transformer needed to sound like flavor flav or a bad Wayans brothers movie character. One character that died shortly after we meet him in the first movie was enough of the ridicules voices. Maybe I am remembering wrong but I don't remember the cartoon having ridiculously obnoxious voices or gold teeth or scrotal talk for that matter. Speaking of that, Jesus how many time do balls need to come up in a movie about machines without any.

Just another in the long line of recent disappointing sequels..... KOTCS, Terminator Salvation, HB2, Transformers 2, Wolverine ect.....
About halfway through the picture, there was a weird afterimage 'halo' where you would see faint hints of yellow/green and purple.

It was almost not noticeable at times, but would come on during moments of fast movement. It was particularly bad whenever Bumblebee was on screen, had to do with the color I reckon.

Anyway I didn't even have to ask, the staff were handing out vouchers at the exit. Arclight FTMFW.

FYI SoCaliens, the Transvehicles will be displayed there until Sunday:
If you're looking for it, you'll find it. Whites are always the first to cry racism these days when it's not about them. They look the other way when it is.

I totally agree! People really need to take a step back and relax. The reviews for this film have made it out to be like the most racist film ever made. And the reviews I have read where they have said this have all been from white people. When I saw the film, everybody around me regardless of color were laughing at the Twins. They are robots people. They don't exist... You are watching giant alien robots with names like Mudflap and Skids speak plus they transform into concept cars. Does that even make any possible sense? My thoughts on the film--SUPERB! Basically TF2 and all of TF are like watching Godzilla, Ultraman, or any Tokusatsu or Kaiju film to come from Japan. Hell, TF is from Japan and its anime made for the world market. It's got all the staples of giant robot anime--young hero controlling robot and/or robots plus cute, hot girlfriend giving lots of fan service. Hell, bring on the next one.
Don't think so. Is sideswipe a Decepticon? I have a feeling he is'nt but just checking!

No he isn't. Wouldn't really notice it by the movie though he hardly did anything but drive around.

BTW: I didn't think that the twins were racist in anyway, they were however stereotypes (however "justified" by their internet personalities) and really F ing annoying. Easily up there with JarJar in the amount of cringing they made me do.

I totally agree! People really need to take a step back and relax. The reviews for this film have made it out to be like the most racist film ever made. And the reviews I have read where they have said this have all been from white people. When I saw the film, everybody around me regardless of color were laughing at the Twins. They are robots people. They don't exist... You are watching giant alien robots with names like Mudflap and Skids speak plus they transform into concept cars. Does that even make any possible sense? My thoughts on the film--SUPERB! Basically TF2 and all of TF are like watching Godzilla, Ultraman, or any Tokusatsu or Kaiju film to come from Japan. Hell, TF is from Japan and its anime made for the world market. It's got all the staples of giant robot anime--young hero controlling robot and/or robots plus cute, hot girlfriend giving lots of fan service. Hell, bring on the next one.
AMEN TO THAT BROTHER! I think the hot trend of now a days is to batch Micheal Bay...there for everyone is giving him bad reviews of his style..And also what you said... people just don't know how to have fun anymore!
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There's 2 ways to be critical of this movie, going after Bay for his style period, and then critiquing Bay against himself.

My dissappointments with TF2 weren't because of Bay being who he is, but simply that I didn't feel he did as good a job with the sequel as the first one.

TF2 was a good, fun summer movie for sure, but it could have been even better if some of the best elements of the first TF were carried over.

So in your case since you rated TF2 10/10, the movie couldn't possibly have been any more enjoyable to you? Not even if the movie was actually 'good', story was not ^^^^, the pacing was up to par, and the editing was on point?

Fanboys should just not even bother to rate or review anything. there is just no objectivity.

I've already discussed how ^^^^ty the story was, how odd the pacing was, and how too ^^^^ing long it was. But I still, in the end, enjoyed the hell out of it. Nothing made me go "UGH! I DIDNT SEE THAT COMING!" because I saw everything coming. It's a Bay movie...but since its for kids too, the humor is more juvenille.