Trevor Grove's Firefly Sculpts

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Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

this slacker is totally slackin! but Mal is pretty much done and I only need a better shirt for the Jayne.

I am still miles away on the other 3 figures.

regarding river...i wonder if there is a petite body in the dredded barbie aisle, maybe something based on what they percieve a 10 year old looks like or something :lol

oh yeah, I am really reconsidering whether to use the Bucks for the men. I may change to the True Types and just accept the head size issue.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

what about a Medicom RAH body? it would be shorter and smaller but probably really hard to find.

Right now I'm using a SSC baby sitter zombie body with swapped arms. As long as she is wearing something loose the waist isn't noticeable, however we really need a better option. If we're lucky, Trev will do River close to last and we may have a new SSC female body as an option. Has anyone tried the Volks body Serenityslr suggested?
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Right now I'm using a SSC baby sitter zombie body with swapped arms. As long as she is wearing something loose the waist isn't noticeable, however we really need a better option. If we're lucky, Trev will do River close to last and we may have a new SSC female body as an option. Has anyone tried the Volks body Serenityslr suggested?

I don't think its short enough. It says that this 27cm tall with head, so I measured my Zoe on a TT at about 30cm and I know the Caucasian TT is shorter so I think they are around the same height.



actually after looking at these pictures, it does seem that she is the same height as Kaylee. Maybe it could work!
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

I think Prog ordered a Triad Eva. If he got it and they are still available it might work.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Which Buff did you use there are 2 differnt SS bodies.
For referance i'll ad my line up of all the female bodies.

I used the body that came with Vampire Slayer Faith. I just ordered a VOLKS EB-A natural skin. Thanks for the heads up Anzik. For what its worth I have an Obisu SBH small bust body anyone can have if they want to give it a try. I didn't like it.

Old Grandpa
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

I used the body that came with Vampire Slayer Faith. I just ordered a VOLKS EB-A natural skin. Thanks for the heads up Anzik. For what its worth I have an Obisu SBH small bust body anyone can have if they want to give it a try. I didn't like it.

Old Grandpa

Any chance you can snap a comparison pic if the obitsu next to the true type?
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Coming from you, that's a great compliment!!:bow I just wish I had more time to paint.

I've got to visit your lab again someday and pick your brain once more!:D

You're welcome. Just let me know before you come over so I can hide my Sideshow projects. All top secret until announced.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

I used the body that came with Vampire Slayer Faith. I just ordered a VOLKS EB-A natural skin. Thanks for the heads up Anzik. For what its worth I have an Obisu SBH small bust body anyone can have if they want to give it a try. I didn't like it.

Old Grandpa

If its still available, PLMK what you are looking for, for it.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

i heard that Triad figures were very tall, so i did not order the Eva body.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

All of this talk makes me wish I knew more about 1:6th. The work you all are doing is pretty impressive. Looking for to seeing new pics and more progress! Keep it up!
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Here's a quick pic of my custom Jayne. Happy with how he turned out.

Thanks to everyone here who gave thoughts and ideas.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

for a body for River, what about something in a different scale like the Playmates 10" figures? Just thinking out loud...
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

I should have an EVA in a few days, so I'll post a comparison for height. I expect it to match the height of the Alphas and Otakus, though, so I don't have high hopes for River. Jiminydog's idea of a ten-inch scale body sounds promising.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

for a body for River, what about something in a different scale like the Playmates 10" figures? Just thinking out loud...

compared them the other day just thinking out side the box too, but its too small. they would make decent hobbits or 10 year olds or something. they're actually more like 8"-9".