Made this 1:1 replica hero Gizmo and car to go along with my trick or treat gremlins that should arrive any day. Timed it perfectly. Hope there is not a lot of customizing needed.
That's greatness!
It seems like Trick or Treat only got a small first shipment in, and sent those our to direct customers. I still have heard nothing from BBTS.
Made this 1:1 replica hero Gizmo and car to go along with my trick or treat gremlins that should arrive any day. Timed it perfectly. Hope there is not a lot of customizing needed.
Made this 1:1 replica hero Gizmo and car to go along with my trick or treat gremlins that should arrive any day. Timed it perfectly. Hope there is not a lot of customizing needed.
Got a couple props for my regular gremlin
This pic pretty much seals it for me, I think I will need 2 of these. Great look Zod thanks for sharing!
I just went over to bbts and ordered a 2nd. Too much fun moving them about the house around Christmas. How goes working with the hair on stripe, are you able get it styled in a way you are happy with?
Got a couple props for my regular gremlin
Don't hate me, but I just went on Ebay and bought the same props since what you did looks SO DAMN GOOD.