I´m actually finding Tara´s mother more interesting than her at the moment (see? not a problem with race, just with annoying characters

) Loving Lafayette too.
And yeah, add me to the group of people who screamed "WTF?!" at the Bill/Sam scene. I literally said: "WHAT- THE- ____?!", in English, and the funny part of it is that I speak Spanish.
But there wasn´t really a spanish expression to sum that well what I was feeling at the moment so that was it, lol
Oh and having werewolves is always great, don´t get me wrong, love them, but really hope those regular looking "little" wolves don´t kick Bill´s ass (or bite it) because if they do, Bill will officially become the lamest vampire ever (to me anyway).
I´m sorry, but I have yet to accept the fact that anybody with a silver necklace can subdue him that easily
As for Sookie... let´s just say I´d like it better if she changed places with Jessica. Find Jess way more interesting and way less annoying. Although it´s not the same as with Tara, with Tara is a "I can´t stand you, woman, get out of my screen" thing right now (liked her in Season 1 though).
With Sookie it´s more like I love to hate her, I just laugh at how annoying and arrogant she can be.
great episode last night!!! can't wait for the next one!
glad you all enjoyed my butt shot (didn't you know i'm erics body double?)
Yeah I remember! (I´m the tied woman´s front body double)