Insufferable S.O.B.
I would've had Jessica turn me loooong ago.
From the looks of the previews he might get turned.
Good grief, is everybody on the show going to become a vampire?
I wish they'd kill of Hoyt. What the ____ is that character still doing on the show?
First season was fantastic, but now it's just too much soap opera melodrama for me.
I wish they'd kill of Hoyt. What the ____ is that character still doing on the show?
But they do some great cliffhangers though you have to admit.
Sorry I don't follow the show or this thread but I read in EW that Christopher Meloni was to appear in an upcoming True Blood episode. Just wondering if that has occurred yet?
Not yet. I'm guessing it'll be this week's episode.
I feel the same way. That first season was great, but it's gotten progressively cornier with each new season.
First season was fantastic, but now it's just too much soap opera melodrama for me.
Oh yes- extremely nice. And very appreciative of what I sometimes do for the show- making sure 'No Animals Are Harmed'.Was he a cool dude? He always seemed like he would be a super nice guy
Well 2 eps in so far and the only thing holding my attention is the hawtness of Jessica.