Hey All:
Chad got around to answering questions from Posts 164 through #190. And be on the lookout for the live video on Friday, June 1.
Any chance we’ll see the Green Lantern sneak for SDCC?
If things go as planend he will be at SDCC, fully painted!!! Fingers crossed!
Yep, thanks for posting that info grphyx. Now, I'm just hoping Tweeter will hit us up with a classic Perez Deathstroke soon enough. I desperately need a straight 80's styled Perez Deathstroke in my collection since sideshow botched the PF...Tweeter is my only hope of seeing one.
He’s coming in 2019
I saw somewhere that Nightwing was in the works or was teased.... any update on that??
Nothing on Nightwing yet. We’re working on Robin now but we will get round to Nightwing someday!
1.) The Batman 66 line is almost completed. Has been a great ride, but I would love to see an Alfred before it is comming to an end. What are the chances?
2.) Trevor is one of my favorite sculptors. His BTTF Marty Mcfly sculpt is still the best out there - even after all these years. A 1/6 BTTF signature series statue line sculpted by Trevor similar to the Batman 66 line would be a dream comming true. Even if we were only getting Marty and Doc in a few variants, I couldn't resist. My question is, why is this project not announced yet? Don't tell me you haven't had the same idea.
1. Hey, It’s not over yet…We still have King Tut, Bookwork, Mr Freeze, Mad Hatter and Alfred before we close this line out!!
Hopefully those all get released close together along with the Catwoman. I'm slowly losing interest in this hobby (mainly due to SS) and don't think that I can hold out years to collect the bat family.
Batman and Robin are really close to being shown…Batgirl in Sept!! Batgirl has been tricky, because like the Catwoman, she is my all-time favorite female hero. She has to be perfect and feel like she just jumped out of the pages of one of the Batman Family Comics.
Yeah I stopped collecting Sideshow PFs because I knew they were never going to make all the characters I wanted. I'm much more hopeful for this line. The fact that we already got Martian Manhunter and Mxyzptlk is awesome.
As long as you guys are interested, I am! I used to look at the Bowen Marvel Collection and think “if that was DC, there would be SO many characters”. I think we’re up to 11 so far and once Batman is done we’ll be shooting them all together. Seeing them all together makes a really cool “omg, all these characters” situation.
Do you know which Robin it is going to be? Is it going to be Di*ck Grayson or Tim Drake?
Richard Grayson!! Has to be!! It’s the more adult DG that Perez drew in Teen Titans.
The problem is most collectors just want the main Justice League, females and Batman villains. That’s what sells. I’m glad I can get a whole DC universe from Tweeterhead. I really wish Sideshow could but at pf prices now lesser known characters won’t sell.
THANKS!! Believe me, there’s nothing wrong with
Any idea when we will see The Flash ??
No Flash to show you! Truthfully, we have a design for him, but I want to pull back and get our Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern displayed that they might be in a case or on your shelf and then fill in the “scene” with The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg to make sure they all work together.
Will you be making The Question and Huntress?
The question would be an awesome TH statue and there is so little stuff available for him.
Huntress in 2019!!