Darth Cruel
Super Freak
Some stimulus deposits went to the wrong accounts.
^^^^ing Government![]()
LOL...This almost sounds like it could be a metaphor for being scatter-brained. Sorta like "One sandwich short of a picnic".
Some stimulus deposits went to the wrong accounts.
^^^^ing Government![]()
Ok. I tried.
Hitler was appointed democratically. Majority rules is a notorious violator of minority rights. It's no more than the will of some being forced down the throat of all. One group of people's values, backed by a gun, and dignified with the prestige of law. There is no place for that kind of law in a free society, and the acceptance of that principle over the last century is why this is a free country no more.
If people want something, what happened to the old fashioned way: work, earn, and buy it yourself. As opposed to the new way, which amounts to let someone else work, expropriate their earnings, and use government to make them buy it for you. Yes, very honest, very much legal, and whose rights? The victims we taxed to make it possible? It's their duty to serve us. They have no right to not be sacrificed on the altar of the common good. They have what we need. That's all that matters.![]()
People forget that prior to Medicare, American healthcare was the highest quality and most affordable in the world. Our special brand of semi-regulated, semi-subsidized medicine is what is destroying it today.
Well, so much for discussion... Hitler mentioned = end of discussion
In closing, from a scientific outlook, I really admire your Darwinistic, survival of the fittest, every man for himself, dog-eat-dog outlook.
Sometime during the night, my stimulus check went into the bank on direct deposit. Interestingly enough...this morning I do feel stimulated.
Sideshow owes Uncle Sam for my purchases yesterday.
On the currently debated subject...as far as the part about Barack Obama being the best candidate because he is the least of the evils. To me, that is the same mentality as choosing to be shot in the head over being stabbed in the stomach or having your head bashed in with a baseball bat because being shot in the head is the quickest and most painless way to die.
I like to think, hell, I HOPE that I would choose not to die.
There is only one person in the entire country who stands out as being on the positive side of the coin as a hopefully decent president. The three candidates that we have now are just more jokes to add to the long list of jokes that our wonderful voters have elected to the Whitehouse. And make absolutely no mistake...it is the voters who have allowed our Presidents to make a mockery of that Office.
The word "voter" is starting to become synonymous with the word "fool". It is already synonymous with "mindless cattle".
Send a message to the government with your votes. Your votes are precious. Stop wasting them on un-worthy candidates. Don't be afraid to send a message by writing in a candidate. Many people seem to think that they are politically savvy if they know what skeletons the opposing candidate has in their closet. How many of you can sit down and look beyond the imperfections and see the value of the people who are not being shoved in your face. Few people have time for that but there is one man who seems to be respected by both sides enough that he is very seldom hit with an attack that has any credibility. And his resume is as impressive as they get.
This will be my first year voting. I have refused to give a gift as precious as my vote to an un-worthy candidate. But I have finally seen a man who would actually be good, maybe not great, but good for the responsibility. And he is getting my write-in this year. It may be the only vote that he gets, but he will get it. I wonder if anyone else sees who it is without being told.
Great line of thinking, unfortunately the way things are, the system is locked in the way it is and I don't see it changing. The popular vote doesn't mean all that much, the electoral college has the real power and the U.S. population and government are stuck in a Democrat and Republican mindset and don't give the 3rd party folks any thought, which is tragic because those people actual look like given the chance, they'd really do the right things, but they have no chance, the U.S. is locked in a viscious cycle and I don't know if there's any breaking it without the whole country collapsing.
I agree almost completely. I do feel that ultimately, the power for the change that every candidate claims they are bringing, is in the hands of the people.
And the choice I am thinking of?...Comes straight out of one of the two major parties. I am not on the wagon that thinks Ralph Nader or Ross Perot would make a good President. Most of off-party offerings are worse than the offerings of the 2 major parties.
Edit - And you are right about the popular vote not being as important as it should be. But I believe it would at least send a warning to the entrenched system if it was overpowering enough. But I mean a write-in candidate would have to actually win. And that is where the masses would have to break free from the shepherding of the current parties, and actually make the choices based on what is best for all, not just their own little groups. And that is where the trouble lies. In order to get that to happen. The individuals have to be re-programmed to see that their goals can still be attained through another avenue. And that avenue is actually easy to utilize. But that is another subject altogether.
devilof76 said:I wonder if people spent more time concerning themselves with wealth and power, would they spend less time demanding alms from those who took the trouble to create the wealth and power in the first place?
I think it's ironic that the beggars spend as much time as they do denouncing those who they beg from. As if their handicap was somehow the responsibility of the capable.
Everybody's got a different opinion about who makes the 'best leader'. Unfortunately, the way it works is we're stuck with what we got thus far - thus my 'lesser of the evils' statement. ALL politicians are slightly evil - they mostly want power, and those that do really really want to help are soon ruined by the system and turned into another cynical, special-interest-cash-taking, flip-flopping politician.
I really do believe that Obama is a slightly different breed, since he hasn't been in the system long enough to become THAT politician yet. And he was an educator, a good one at that, of Constitutional law - he knows the Constitution inside and out. The rhetoric about change started with Obama. And you know what, he was NOT destined to be a front-runner from the beginning. HE WASN'T EVEN ON THE BALLOT IN MICHIGAN - a personal choice that's totally respectful of his party's processes because Michigan was trying to be a rebel. Then, he started gaining ground, and everyone jumped on the 'change' bandwagon. No matter what happens in the end of the Dem primary, the fact that he's been able to INSPIRE over 1.5 million people to give, even a tiny bit, to his campaign, speaks VERY loudly to me. That is unprecedented - whether you like him or not, you gotta give him that; part of being a good leader is the ability to do that - inspire... and make the other guys change their campaign strategy to keep up with you. And to me, that's almost like being a write-in candidate... it's the people making their voices heard, rather than the political special interest groups.
And I have no idea which politician you're thinking of for a write-in, but I'd be more than happy to write him/her in if certain things happen before November - IF I agree with the majority of his/her ideas that is!![]()
You do know that the majority of wealthy people are voting for Obama, right? Because he's a smart guy, and they aren't as worried about their money as they are about truly trying to fix things. Obviously I'm not really talking wealthy Republicans, but even some of my wealthy (and quite conservative - fiscally as well as in their faith) Republican friends admit that he's the best out of the candidates we've been offered.
That's why he has many conservative Repubs running scared. I mean, take Bush's cringe-inducing speech in Israel this week. Hitler mentioned = discussion OVER... especially if you mention him in ISRAEL of all places! A VERY low blow and not worthy of a president to make statements like that - for no good reason, as they just seemed to be passive-aggressively injected into his speech for ^^^^s and giggles - and on foreign soil. Come on, let's at least keep the fear-mongering within our borders, people!
And it's why there's an actual movement in the Republican party - not all of them obviously, but those who fear someone different taking over the status-quo political stage - actually getting fellow Republicans to sign up for the Democratic party in their states before the cut-off time so that they can vote in the primaries and vote for Hillary! They'd rather have Hillary win the Dem vote because there are less Republicans/Independents that would vote for her in the national election than there are who would vote for Obama. This is NOT a lie. I received an e-mail instructing me to do just that from a conservative Republican friend of mine, who also pointed out that the completely ludicrous 'secret Muslim' charge MUST be true because of his name. (I'm an independent, believe it or not, so I get mail from both sets of friends... I like it that way, helps me make a more informed choice when I get to see both sides.)
U.S. politics as it is disgusts me. It turns people into hateful fear-mongers. Is it like this in all democratic countries?![]()
Darth....I completely agree with you and everything that you have said. Well spoken!!
Thanks dbrad - I actually started writing up a whole website dedicated to trying to get people to use the power they have to curb the grotesque abuse of power that our politicians have come to be comfortable with. The things I learned researching that website scared me. It actually happened that the more I dug, the more disheartened I got until I finally allowed a busy schedule to keep me from having to face it any more. I had about 80 pages done. I hope to revive it, but I lost that computer to a crash. I am hoping that my brother or my father-in-law still has a copy of the file that I emailed them to proof-read.
While I was researching it, I learned a lot from polls had been done and some of that information nearly made me shudder. I learned how politicians exploit every little possible advantage for capturing votes (I know that is not news, but before the research, I did not know how deep it went). It is so bad that JFK actually had planned, as part of his campaign strategy, to play up his good looks to garner the support of a voter demographic that had not been tapped before...bored housewives. And a poll of voters afterward seemed to support that the strategy worked, though it was not the deciding factor of the election, a lot of polled housewives said they voted for him just because he was good-looking. Another, more recent poll was taken to find out how many people knew where the government got it's money from. I almost crapped to find out that 85% of the people polled COULD NOT SAY WHERE THE GOVERNMENT GETS IT"S MONEY FROM. Now, I can not vouch for what demographic was polled. But in my head...85% of ANY group that can not tell you where the government gets it's money is sickening, unless the group is full of children under 10.
The thing that stuck in my mind most clearly after working on that website is that when people say the system is a mess, it is just about the worst understatement ever to be communicated.
devilof76 said:I'm not talking about the top 5% when I refer to wealth and power. I'm talking about the middle class who work their ***** off their entire lives and automatically lose a third of their income every year. That of course doesn't include what they lose in sales taxes, excise taxes, mandatory fees to drive a vehicle and own a home, the amount that prices inflate when corporate taxes are reflected in the cost of goods, the loss in savings when currency is devalued, and the extortion that occurs when government deems as 'off-limits' land that could be put to productive use benefitting human markets, but instead is committed to preserving the moral arrogance of those who believe those lands are 'sacred'.
I 100% agree with you. The system is a TOTAL mess. I think some are mis-understanding me. I do not necessarily want our federal government to be bigger than it already is... just want to get priorities re-organized. I'm not convinced that socialized healthcare is the way to go for America, although it works well in some other (smaller, less divisive) countries. But there's GOT to be some happy medium between what we have now and going the complete opposite direction.
But I do 100% back any type of legislature that will actually help our environment and improve our educational system to leave a better legacy for our grandchildren. (ACTUALLY help, not just pretend to help... "no child left behind" my butt...)
And I can definitely get behind your backing of Colin Powell. He is a great man... which pretty much means he'll never be a politicianIn fact, the words I've read from Colin Powell and those that I've read from Barak Obama, they are sometimes strikingly similar. (good summary for Powell: https://www.govote.com/Celeb/Colin_Powell_Principles_+_Values.htm ... And Barak's book 'The Audacity of Hope' is a very good read .... great quote: I told them that they were right: government couldn't solve all their problems. But with a slight change in priorities we could make sure every child had a decent shot at life and meet the challenges we faced as a nation.) Both do not agree with their chosen parties on every single issue and are willing to be bi-partisan and listen and compromise with the other side. Both believe in the women's right to choose and the importance of children's welfare and healthcare. And Powell actually tried to talk Bush out of going to war in Iraq: https://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article2042072.ece
(I could go on, but we'll stop there)
And speaking of the middle class and lower, did you know Obama wants to get rid of income tax for people who make less than $50,000? (woo hoo - great news for me!) And give better tax breaks to those who make between $50K-$200K, thus *re-adjusting* and getting rid of the recent ludicrous tax breaks given to the extremely wealthy? (search 'Obama Tax Cuts' for all the articles about it) And yet those wealthy are still voting for him... because they realize that this is a GOOD thing for our middle classes. If we continue the way we have been, there soon will no longer be a middle class.
Finally, IMO, the whole Rev. Wright thing has been thrown COMPLETELY out of proportion. It's like they couldn't find much real dirt on him, so they pulled 20 seconds of sermons from the vaults. I'm willing to bet more than a few conservative Republican candidates have sat in the pews of a church whose members and leaders believe that AIDS is God's way of punishing those who sin. Both views are total and complete opinions of the person speaking them... Government conspiracy VS Religious zealotry - which is worse in a leader? I think they're pretty even - BUT those candidates on both sides don't necessarily believe either of them, just because they sat in the pew. You CANNOT judge a person by the people he may or may not have dealt with in his life. We all have sneaky and suspicious people in our lives, that we either work with or hold as acquaintances... some even in our FAMILIESDoes that make us bad people by association? If that were true, the best leader would have to be a hermit!
All we can judge people on (if you're gonna judge people at all) is what they've DONE in their lives... let our actions speak for us. Obama's actions have been pretty good for a politician so far. His Constitutional Law students loved him, his fellow professors had nothing but respect for him, he's got a firebrand of a wife who sticks by him but isn't afraid to speak her mind if she disagrees (let's see HER just stand by and accept it if he has a smarmy affair with a White House intern - she'd probably lead the impeachment process!), and he's pulled himself up from poverty to where he is now. The whole thing, from his mixed heritage background, to his position in the Senate, is a more American story than most wealthy politicians can claim.
Well, anyway, long story short... you have my pledge to write-in Colin Powell should Hill-dog with the Dem primary
(And I know I know, I shouldn't be discussing politics on a collecting board, but I do seriously love learning and talking about this stuff - I just hope I haven't offended anyone! I'll stop if I have.)
Bush's comments are typical for politicians. Bush has been compared to Hitler by Democrats (Kieth Ellison D.-Minnesota did it). This type of mudslinging has been going on for longer than I have been alive. It is pulled up over and over again. The problem is we, the voters, being duped into getting mad at the other party for doing it when it happens both ways all the time.
And don't get me wrong...I think Bush's comments were deplorable. But I think they are deplorable every time they are used by both Republicans AND Democrats. It is nothing more than politspeak and it is fooling the masses. And every administration has used them or some similar to them.
Once again, although this is true, this is a normal strategy for politicians. It happens in every election. And there are Republicans that think Clinton is more electable than Obama and they are doing the same thing in reverse.
No offense taken and none meant. I think it is sad that politics and religion are such taboos on collector's boards. Collectors' boards are as legitimate a place to congregate as any place else. It is a pity that some people mess it up for others. I have been concerned about offending you. I do have to see you again at Comic-Con.![]()
I'm sure Obama will be the best at what American politicians do. He'll be the one who can get things done. He can make it 'work'. Faith in this man is well founded. When he does, that majority of Americans who have 'evolved' beyond independence (opting instead for the sham racket of inter-dependence) will get exactly what they deserve. I wonder if this time, the minority who actually did rebuild this country after WWII will still be around to save it a second time.
If you truly believe that complete and utter independence (isolation?) is the answer, have fun on your island not relying on help from anyone... I'll be over here enjoying the compassion of my fellow human beings![]()