U.S. Tax Rebate Schedule 2008

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Dear Banny,

Eat s#!t and die.



I called and found I am getting a check sent on June 6.

I don't get it. I e-filed.


Oh well, at least I know what's going on now...

Did you have a direct deposit that went into more than one account when you filed your 2007 taxes? That's what I did (since the ex got half) and I found out that's why I'm getting a live check instead of DD. :duh
Did you have a direct deposit that went into more than one account when you filed your 2007 taxes? That's what I did (since the ex got half) and I found out that's why I'm getting a live check instead of DD.
Dusty, I can disagree with you all day. But I'm not going to because I feel like an atheist preaching to angels, and it gets old.

I'll just say that regardless of the benefits that some government program may bring to some people, so long as it is the government taking the action, force is being used to take from those who do not voluntarily offer their services. Period. Evaluate for yourself what that's worth.

My life doesn't belong to someone who can't afford their medical bills. They have no right to force me to help them. My life doesn't belong to people who took on a mortgage they couldn't afford. They have no right to force me to bail them out. My life doesn't belong to people who would rather see ethanol than gasoline in service stations, and they have no right to force me to finance their industry if they can't get it off the ground on their own.

This isn't a question of doing what is right or not. It's a question of who has ultimate authority over each individual's decisions. In a free country, the individual has sole right. If this country is collapsing, I would not be inclined to believe that it was because we have too much freedom to solve our problems for ourselves.

I can see the point you're trying to make... But the kind of control/authority you're so intent on bucking is already in place, it's called 'laws'. The laws in this 'free country' don't exist to tell you or anyone else how to think, or what to believe. They (theoretically) serve our collective interest as civilized human beings, who (one would hope) care about the survival of our own species. If the laws of this country are tweaked, revised, or otherwise added to during the course of our existence here on Earth, in such a way that it benefits said Earth and our own well being in the process, how is that such a bad thing?

Don't get me wrong... I'm all for antiestablishment and fighting 'the man', but I think some folks are elevating the government's involvement in environmental issues to be a way bigger deal than it really is. The government mandating that cars be created to be more eco-friendly is not stripping you of your 'rights' any more than a law against feeding your kids heroin or starting a forest fire. Unless I'm grossly misunderstanding your argument... and given my limited intellect that is extremely possible.... in which case I apologize for the confusion.
I wouldn't blame your intellect. Mine ain't infinite either, and I don't put as much effort as I should into articulating my point. This is a board for toys, and that is my mentality coming in here, even if the occaissional political comment jolts me back towards serious-mode.

I'm not advocating anarchy. What I'm saying is that the principle that legislation should be following is not 'what is best for all', it should be 'what is necessary to protect each individual's rights'. I know it doesn't sound like much of a difference, but if you stop and look at the more blatantly authoritarian regimes of even just the past 100 years, all of them were based on the former.

I'll come back later tonight to fully clarify myself, but right now I need sleep.

Hey Dusty, if you're still paying attention, would you mind making an appearance in the Aayla Secura thread? Your two cents would be most welcome...
I'm not advocating anarchy. What I'm saying is that the principle that legislation should be following is not 'what is best for all', it should be 'what is necessary to protect each individual's rights'. I know it doesn't sound like much of a difference, but if you stop and look at the more blatantly authoritarian regimes of even just the past 100 years, all of them were based on the former.

Because Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway are blatantly authoritarian and against individual rights? I think that there's a HUGE line between 'what is best for our species' and 'what is best for those in power' that these countries will NEVER cross. Just because a country passes legislation to lower energy costs, give more to scientific research, and provide healthcare for every tax-paying member of society doesn't mean they're gonna use the taxpayers' money to listen to phone calls, censure the media, ban equal rights for people who live outside the box, and torture people... sorry, "interrogate" people (oh wait, we do a lot of these things in the U.S. already... :eek:)

Understand that I am in no way an advocate of MORE taxes, just re-adjusting our priorities to use taxes in a different manner... less on war, too-little-too-late 'stimulus' checks and wastes-of-time illegalizations (gay marriage and pot to name a couple), and more on diplomacy, science and healthcare to catch back up to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, I don't think our government is organized enough to get anything truly helpful done anytime soon, one way or the other. We're too caught up in our petty arguments and 'my party is better than your party' rhetoric to really sit down and work it out together. Also, our politicians are way too reliant on the support of special interest groups and lobbyists. Example - the proposed 'gas tax' holiday is complete BS but sounds so awesome to those that don't really know what's at stake. It's just campaign leverage, not something truly good for the economy, and it makes me sick that this is coming from the people who are supposedly in charge.

Besides, passing legislation in the first place is 100% democratic. If our representatives vote a bill into action to protect our environment, isn't that democracy and free will in action? Majority rules and all that... we are free to speak out against it, but law is law.

Hey Dusty, if you're still paying attention, would you mind making an appearance in the Aayla Secura thread? Your two cents would be most welcome...

I'm not sure what's needed from me in that thread... I have no say in production decisions whatsoever, if that's what you are talking about. I can assure you that a lot of those guys do pop in to read posts every now and then, even though they may keep silent... darn lurkers :lol If it's something else, related to the sales of the figure, or customer service type stuff, please point me to the post and I'll see what I can do :duff
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keep in mind...this tax rebate is not free...its an advance on your 2008 tax return...straight from aol's mouth "Even if your rebate doesn't arrive, not all is lost. You'll get your money when you file your 2008 return next Spring. Remember, the rebate is really a prepayment of a tax credit on 2008 returns. Taxpayers who don't get their money this year will collect next spring" Expect a lesser tax return next year! nothing is Free!
keep in mind...this tax rebate is not free...its an advance on your 2008 tax return...straight from aol's mouth "Even if your rebate doesn't arrive, not all is lost. You'll get your money when you file your 2008 return next Spring. Remember, the rebate is really a prepayment of a tax credit on 2008 returns. Taxpayers who don't get their money this year will collect next spring" Expect a lesser tax return next year! nothing is Free!

Ok. I tried.

Because Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway are blatantly authoritarian and against individual rights? I think that there's a HUGE line between 'what is best for our species' and 'what is best for those in power' that these countries will NEVER cross.

They are, in fact, violators of individual rights. Particularly in the field of healthcare, but also in the areas of employment law. Any time a government usurps a private market, it for one 1) imposes limits on the decision making powers of those performing the real work, decisions which potentially have life and death significance, 2) makes it impossible for anyone who does not agree with the government's method of doing things to work in that field, thereby assuring a government monopoly which cannot be challenged, 3) increases the burden on those who make more money to provide, not only for themselves, but also for those who make less money. That used to be called theft. Now it's called being progressive. (And you wonder why the government is riddled with shysters.)

Every time a form of government welfare is enacted, a portion of the population is essentially enslaved to another portion. You may forgive that on account of the alleged benefit that is being provided, but that doesn't change the fact that those who provide the value at stake are unilaterally beholden to those who demand it. Suddenly, a value that did not exist before they invested their time and effort into creating it, is no longer their own. It belongs to whoever needs it, regardless of how much or how little the needing party did to earn it. In short, they are no longer entitled to the product of the work of their own life.

Those countries have crossed those lines. No, they aren't marching people off to death camps. They're telling them how many hours they can work, who they can offer their services to, who they can hire, how much of their paycheck they can keep, what and how much they can produce, how much they can charge for it, etc. Presumably it's because the majority in those countries agree with these practices. But what about the minority who disagree? Who cares about them. They're obviously greedy, anti-social, heartless monsters who have no love for their fellow man. To hell with them and their 'rights'. Majority rules.

I noticed that you didn't mention France or Sweden. Both have notoriously high unemployment rates, and Sweden actually leads the world in alcoholism and suicides. And certainly eveyone can get healthcare in countries with forms of socialized medicine in place. But since that causes demand to skyrocket, supply becomes strained and the availability of the medical treatment becomes something that can no longer be bought, whether you have the money or not. Waitlists. As though healthcare was a high-end collectible...

People forget that prior to Medicare, American healthcare was the highest quality and most affordable in the world. Our special brand of semi-regulated, semi-subsidized medicine is what is destroying it today.

Just because a country passes legislation to lower energy costs, give more to scientific research, and provide healthcare for every tax-paying member of society doesn't mean they're gonna use the taxpayers' money to listen to phone calls, censure the media, ban equal rights for people who live outside the box, and torture people... sorry, "interrogate" people (oh wait, we do a lot of these things in the U.S. already... :eek:)

It's funny that you mention government funded research, because global warming 'science' has been a cash cow for government researchers since it was originally dreamed up. People can cast all the aspersions they want on those who disagree (i.e. stooges of the oil companies) but global warming scientists have as much of a vested interest in their pet theory being accepted a true. Researchers whose work leads to conclusions opposite to the green conclusion find themselves with no more funding. Which is the chief reason why government has no place in science. Science not endorsed by the government gets passed over for that which the government approves (i.e. what the government finds a personal advantage in).

So now, laws are being advocated based on scientific conclusions that are patently false. No causal relationship has ever been proven linking higher CO2 levels to a higher mean global temperature. All anyone has ever come up with are correlation after correlation. Apparently, that's all that's needed to convince an electorate with zero credentials in atmospheric physics.

Of course the countries you've listed wouldn't do such things. Most countries tend to bend over when threatened by the Middle East. We have a weak history of doing otherwise. The nuisances imposed by this government as a way of dealing with the problem exist because they've chosen to treat terrorists as individual criminals, and not proxies of terrorist sponsoring governments (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, etc.).

Garbage like the Patriot Act and the pointless incarceration of people who should simply be executed or deported or released are exactly what you get when no one is willing to stand up to the countries who have had a free pass for 50 years to murder as they please. Those whose responsibility it is to act refuse to, and so a state of perpetual emergency is invoked, where everyone is a suspect except for those who are obviously the problem. Hamas and Hezbollah are free to operate cells and mosques and fund-raising institutions in this country because to restrict them would supposedly be a violation of their right to practice radical Islam.

Understand that I am in no way an advocate of MORE taxes, just re-adjusting our priorities to use taxes in a different manner... less on war, too-little-too-late 'stimulus' checks and wastes-of-time illegalizations (gay marriage and pot to name a couple), and more on diplomacy, science and healthcare to catch back up to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, I don't think our government is organized enough to get anything truly helpful done anytime soon, one way or the other. We're too caught up in our petty arguments and 'my party is better than your party' rhetoric to really sit down and work it out together. Also, our politicians are way too reliant on the support of special interest groups and lobbyists. Example - the proposed 'gas tax' holiday is complete BS but sounds so awesome to those that don't really know what's at stake. It's just campaign leverage, not something truly good for the economy, and it makes me sick that this is coming from the people who are supposedly in charge.

These are the types of people you get in charge when you give them the power to decide how the rest of us will live. So what if they're of a different stripe than those who live in your preferred parts of the world? Whatever the pet cause, taxes will still be required, they will rise as inflation rises, causing further inflation in kind. Special interests are what run a government when the government's might is up for sale. The difference between this country and those you listed is that the war over which special interests rule the roost has been won. Don't think that just because 'the people' have what they wanted that there's no one pulling the strings any more. They just don't have any competition now.

Besides, passing legislation in the first place is 100% democratic. If our representatives vote a bill into action to protect our environment, isn't that democracy and free will in action? Majority rules and all that... we are free to speak out against it, but law is law.

Hitler was appointed democratically. Majority rules is a notorious violator of minority rights. It's no more than the will of some being forced down the throat of all. One group of people's values, backed by a gun, and dignified with the prestige of law. There is no place for that kind of law in a free society, and the acceptance of that principle over the last century is why this is a free country no more.

If people want something, what happened to the old fashioned way: work, earn, and buy it yourself. As opposed to the new way, which amounts to let someone else work, expropriate their earnings, and use government to make them buy it for you. Yes, very honest, very much legal, and whose rights? The victims we taxed to make it possible? It's their duty to serve us. They have no right to not be sacrificed on the altar of the common good. They have what we need. That's all that matters. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what's needed from me in that thread... I have no say in production decisions whatsoever, if that's what you are talking about. I can assure you that a lot of those guys do pop in to read posts every now and then, even though they may keep silent... darn lurkers :lol If it's something else, related to the sales of the figure, or customer service type stuff, please point me to the post and I'll see what I can do :duff

No, we don't need anything. Just thought you might have something to say. Thanks anyway. :duff
Well Dusty, there is nothing I can say because I think there is a fundamental difference in our opinions on what the government should or shouldn't do. I believe in capitalism, and not government funded projects. The government should be a lot smaller than what it is but what we get is so much pork-bellying that spending just gets out of control, and this is all controlled by special interests groups. So yes, the government could do more but shouldn't in my opinion. My girlfriend was a lobbyist for 8 years in Washington, and the stories she tells me is just mind blowing. This goes for both sides of political spectrum. Regardless of how you feel, this will not change even if Obama is elected into office. The billions that are spent on energy research and benefits are more than enough in my opinion. There is a lot of research in that department around the entire world. If money can be made, progress will come about.

Wow, someone showing a little enlightenment. I feel sorry for those who blindly follow the screechings of the candidate that is forced upon them by their political party. Nice to see someone who appears to look at the trees AND the forest.

keep in mind...this tax rebate is not free...its an advance on your 2008 tax return...straight from aol's mouth "Even if your rebate doesn't arrive, not all is lost. You'll get your money when you file your 2008 return next Spring. Remember, the rebate is really a prepayment of a tax credit on 2008 returns. Taxpayers who don't get their money this year will collect next spring" Expect a lesser tax return next year! nothing is Free!

Ummm...I think you are misquoting (edit - I meant mis-inturpreting) this. Although it is a pre-payment. It is of an added credit from next year that is not a normal credit. It does not come directly from your income tax.