I called and found I am getting a check sent on June 6.
I don't get it. I e-filed.
Oh well, at least I know what's going on now...
Oh ^^^^ you Dusty.
Dusty, I can disagree with you all day. But I'm not going to because I feel like an atheist preaching to angels, and it gets old.
I'll just say that regardless of the benefits that some government program may bring to some people, so long as it is the government taking the action, force is being used to take from those who do not voluntarily offer their services. Period. Evaluate for yourself what that's worth.
My life doesn't belong to someone who can't afford their medical bills. They have no right to force me to help them. My life doesn't belong to people who took on a mortgage they couldn't afford. They have no right to force me to bail them out. My life doesn't belong to people who would rather see ethanol than gasoline in service stations, and they have no right to force me to finance their industry if they can't get it off the ground on their own.
This isn't a question of doing what is right or not. It's a question of who has ultimate authority over each individual's decisions. In a free country, the individual has sole right. If this country is collapsing, I would not be inclined to believe that it was because we have too much freedom to solve our problems for ourselves.
I'm not advocating anarchy. What I'm saying is that the principle that legislation should be following is not 'what is best for all', it should be 'what is necessary to protect each individual's rights'. I know it doesn't sound like much of a difference, but if you stop and look at the more blatantly authoritarian regimes of even just the past 100 years, all of them were based on the former.
Hey Dusty, if you're still paying attention, would you mind making an appearance in the Aayla Secura thread? Your two cents would be most welcome...
I am in no way an advocate of MORE taxes, just re-adjusting our priorities to use taxes in a different manner...
I just checked my bank account and noticed my stimulus was deposited today.
Was it on schedule?
keep in mind...this tax rebate is not free...its an advance on your 2008 tax return...straight from aol's mouth "Even if your rebate doesn't arrive, not all is lost. You'll get your money when you file your 2008 return next Spring. Remember, the rebate is really a prepayment of a tax credit on 2008 returns. Taxpayers who don't get their money this year will collect next spring" Expect a lesser tax return next year! nothing is Free!
Because Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway are blatantly authoritarian and against individual rights? I think that there's a HUGE line between 'what is best for our species' and 'what is best for those in power' that these countries will NEVER cross.
Just because a country passes legislation to lower energy costs, give more to scientific research, and provide healthcare for every tax-paying member of society doesn't mean they're gonna use the taxpayers' money to listen to phone calls, censure the media, ban equal rights for people who live outside the box, and torture people... sorry, "interrogate" people (oh wait, we do a lot of these things in the U.S. already... )
Understand that I am in no way an advocate of MORE taxes, just re-adjusting our priorities to use taxes in a different manner... less on war, too-little-too-late 'stimulus' checks and wastes-of-time illegalizations (gay marriage and pot to name a couple), and more on diplomacy, science and healthcare to catch back up to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, I don't think our government is organized enough to get anything truly helpful done anytime soon, one way or the other. We're too caught up in our petty arguments and 'my party is better than your party' rhetoric to really sit down and work it out together. Also, our politicians are way too reliant on the support of special interest groups and lobbyists. Example - the proposed 'gas tax' holiday is complete BS but sounds so awesome to those that don't really know what's at stake. It's just campaign leverage, not something truly good for the economy, and it makes me sick that this is coming from the people who are supposedly in charge.
Besides, passing legislation in the first place is 100% democratic. If our representatives vote a bill into action to protect our environment, isn't that democracy and free will in action? Majority rules and all that... we are free to speak out against it, but law is law.
I'm not sure what's needed from me in that thread... I have no say in production decisions whatsoever, if that's what you are talking about. I can assure you that a lot of those guys do pop in to read posts every now and then, even though they may keep silent... darn lurkers If it's something else, related to the sales of the figure, or customer service type stuff, please point me to the post and I'll see what I can do
Well Dusty, there is nothing I can say because I think there is a fundamental difference in our opinions on what the government should or shouldn't do. I believe in capitalism, and not government funded projects. The government should be a lot smaller than what it is but what we get is so much pork-bellying that spending just gets out of control, and this is all controlled by special interests groups. So yes, the government could do more but shouldn't in my opinion. My girlfriend was a lobbyist for 8 years in Washington, and the stories she tells me is just mind blowing. This goes for both sides of political spectrum. Regardless of how you feel, this will not change even if Obama is elected into office. The billions that are spent on energy research and benefits are more than enough in my opinion. There is a lot of research in that department around the entire world. If money can be made, progress will come about.
keep in mind...this tax rebate is not free...its an advance on your 2008 tax return...straight from aol's mouth "Even if your rebate doesn't arrive, not all is lost. You'll get your money when you file your 2008 return next Spring. Remember, the rebate is really a prepayment of a tax credit on 2008 returns. Taxpayers who don't get their money this year will collect next spring" Expect a lesser tax return next year! nothing is Free!
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