I am never intentionally wasteful, but I'm not gonna go pay $5,000 ( or more ) over the cost of a regular car for a Hybrid either. I don't recycle because I am not going to keep 3 different trash cans in my kitchen. I don't take mass transit to work because there is none where I live and the closest to my house there is, is when I am already almost to work.
1) If better energy resources were discovered and it was legislated, costs of alternative energy cars would go down. They'd have to because they'd be the only kind of cars available. (similar to how hi-def TV prices have gone down, and will continue to go down into 2009 due to the legislation)
2) So, maybe you don't have a lot of space, like many people. No worries, I won't judge you for that. I'm not sure where you live, but in California, we are provided with 3 types of trash cans to line up at the curb, not in our kitchens. How hard is it to put empty aluminum cans and bottles into a paper bag from the grocery store each week and dump them into the proper can when you take the trash out each week? I used to live in a 300 square foot apartment (smaller than an small garage... with 2 fat cats to boot), and still found a space for the paper bag. And also, IKEA is a wonderful place to find space-saving recycling bins that stack on top of each other!
3) Mass transit - don't even want to get into it. Makes me angry. LA's mass transit is a travesty. I'm not sure what's wrong with this city, but something definitely is. I mean, look at NYC, which has only a tiny fraction of the space we have here and about the same amount of people. Yes, they have their problems, but mass transit isn't one of them. I hate that LA is stereotyped as the 'liberal' city of the US. It's so not true.
More examples - some of the annually chosen nicest cities to live are Portland, OR; San Francisco, CA; Austin, TX; San Diego, CA; Seattle, WA; etc etc. These are very liberal cities (MUCH moreso than LA), whose governments take the time to make sure that their people are provided for and have the legislation (and excellent mass transit) to prove it. (Did you know in Oregon, it's illegal to pump your own gas? This provides a few extra jobs for their residents, while also protecting against gas leaks and forgetting to close your gas cap. Yet gas prices are actually LOWER than in, say, California. Oregon also has the highest average pay for teachers than any other state.)
In the same vein, some of the top-voted greatest countries to live in, as a citizen - Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, Canada to name a few - are by some considered to be 'socialist' - healthcare for every tax-paying citizen, etc etc. These countries are starting to lead the world in scientific research, education, healthcare, etc - all while keeping unemployment rates VERY low and protecting the value of their currency. America has fallen woefully behind in all of those areas, which we formerly liked to brag about.
I love America, which is why I hate to see it being reduced so divisively - and hatefully - to 'blue vs. red' over issues such as taxes, healthcare, gay marriage, the 'war on terror'... and on and on and on. I have no answers, if I did, I'd be running for president!

I just base my opinions on what I see happening in the world around me, which is all that we can really do.
Also, I don't get offended easily, and LOVE talking about politics, especially with people who I don't necessarily agree with on every instance. Helps me learn more, and I wish more people viewed it that way, instead of getting all crazy over it! Although I realize that's not what this board is for... but I'm still loving this thread! :chew